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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to LYDON, JOHN
Item TypeName
Academic Article Progesterone receptor knockout mice have an improved glucose homeostasis secondary to beta -cell proliferation.
Academic Article Defective mammary gland morphogenesis in mice lacking the progesterone receptor B isoform.
Academic Article Progesterone involvement in breast development and tumorigenesis--as revealed by progesterone receptor "knockout" and "knockin" mouse models.
Academic Article Intact progesterone receptors are essential to counteract the proliferative effect of estradiol in a genetically engineered mouse model of endometriosis.
Academic Article Disruption of steroid and prolactin receptor patterning in the mammary gland correlates with a block in lobuloalveolar development.
Academic Article Identification of murine uterine genes regulated in a ligand-dependent manner by the progesterone receptor.
Academic Article Enhanced sexual behaviors and androgen receptor immunoreactivity in the male progesterone receptor knockout mouse.
Academic Article Reproductive functions of progesterone receptors.
Academic Article Genotype differences in behavior and tyrosine hydroxylase expression between wild-type and progesterone receptor knockout mice.
Academic Article Progesterone's role in mammary gland development and tumorigenesis as disclosed by experimental mouse genetics.
Academic Article Generation of a mouse for conditional excision of progesterone receptor.
Academic Article Targeting iCre expression to murine progesterone receptor cell-lineages using bacterial artificial chromosome transgenesis.
Academic Article Hormone dependence in premalignant mammary progression.
Academic Article Bmp2 is critical for the murine uterine decidual response.
Academic Article Mouse models of implantation.
Academic Article Hormonal defect in maspin heterozygous mice reveals a role of progesterone in pubertal ductal development.
Academic Article A repressive role for prohibitin in estrogen signaling.
Academic Article Targeting reverse tetracycline-dependent transactivator to murine mammary epithelial cells that express the progesterone receptor.
Academic Article Maternal heparin-binding-EGF deficiency limits pregnancy success in mice.
Academic Article Conditional loss of uterine Pten unfailingly and rapidly induces endometrial cancer in mice.
Academic Article Progesterone receptors in mammary gland development and tumorigenesis.
Academic Article Progesterone-dependent regulation of female reproductive activity by two distinct progesterone receptor isoforms.
Academic Article Foxa2 is essential for mouse endometrial gland development and fertility.
Academic Article A mouse transgenic approach to induce ?-catenin signaling in a temporally controlled manner.
Academic Article The antiproliferative action of progesterone in uterine epithelium is mediated by Hand2.
Academic Article Revealing progesterone's role in uterine and mammary gland biology: insights from the mouse.
Academic Article Repressor of estrogen receptor activity (REA) is essential for mammary gland morphogenesis and functional activities: studies in conditional knockout mice.
Academic Article Epithelial progesterone receptor exhibits pleiotropic roles in uterine development and function.
Academic Article Steroid receptor coactivator 2 is essential for progesterone-dependent uterine function and mammary morphogenesis: insights from the mouse--implications for the human.
Academic Article Nuclear receptor coactivator-6 attenuates uterine estrogen sensitivity to permit embryo implantation.
Academic Article Progesterone-action in the murine uterus and mammary gland requires steroid receptor coactivator 2: relevance to the human.
Academic Article Steroid receptor coactivator 2 is critical for progesterone-dependent uterine function and mammary morphogenesis in the mouse.
Academic Article Indian hedgehog is a major mediator of progesterone signaling in the mouse uterus.
Academic Article The pattern of beta-catenin responsiveness within the mammary gland is regulated by progesterone receptor.
Academic Article The p160 steroid receptor coactivator 2, SRC-2, regulates murine endometrial function and regulates progesterone-independent and -dependent gene expression.
Academic Article Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma is a target of progesterone regulation in the preovulatory follicles and controls ovulation in mice.
Academic Article Bone growth and turnover in progesterone receptor knockout mice.
Academic Article In vivo analysis of progesterone receptor action in the uterus during embryo implantation.
Academic Article Gap junction communication between uterine stromal cells plays a critical role in pregnancy-associated neovascularization and embryo survival.
Academic Article The RANKL signaling axis is sufficient to elicit ductal side-branching and alveologenesis in the mammary gland of the virgin mouse.
Academic Article Stromal progesterone receptors mediate induction of Indian Hedgehog (IHH) in uterine epithelium and its downstream targets in uterine stroma.
Academic Article Mig-6 modulates uterine steroid hormone responsiveness and exhibits altered expression in endometrial disease.
Academic Article Finally! A model for progesterone receptor action in normal human breast.
Academic Article The differences in neuroprotective efficacy of progesterone and medroxyprogesterone acetate correlate with their effects on brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression.
Academic Article Cell type-specific targeted mutations of Kras and Pten document proliferation arrest in granulosa cells versus oncogenic insult to ovarian surface epithelial cells.
Academic Article ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1 regulation of estrogen receptor activity is critical for uterine implantation in mice.
Academic Article Ablation of Indian hedgehog in the murine uterus results in decreased cell cycle progression, aberrant epidermal growth factor signaling, and increased estrogen signaling.
Academic Article Epithelial-stromal interaction and progesterone receptors in the mouse uterus.
Academic Article A mouse model to dissect progesterone signaling in the female reproductive tract and mammary gland.
Academic Article Constitutive activation of smoothened leads to female infertility and altered uterine differentiation in the mouse.
Academic Article Targeting RANKL to a specific subset of murine mammary epithelial cells induces ordered branching morphogenesis and alveologenesis in the absence of progesterone receptor expression.
Academic Article Stem cells: Cues from steroid hormones.
Academic Article Postnatal deletion of Wnt7a inhibits uterine gland morphogenesis and compromises adult fertility in mice.
Academic Article Connective tissue growth factor is required for normal follicle development and ovulation.
Academic Article WNTs in the neonatal mouse uterus: potential regulation of endometrial gland development.
Academic Article Conditional deletion of Msx homeobox genes in the uterus inhibits blastocyst implantation by altering uterine receptivity.
Academic Article NODAL in the uterus is necessary for proper placental development and maintenance of pregnancy.
Academic Article GATA2 is expressed at critical times in the mouse uterus during pregnancy.
Academic Article Uterine development and fertility are dependent on gene dosage of the nuclear receptor coregulator REA.
Academic Article Research resource: Genome-wide profiling of progesterone receptor binding in the mouse uterus.
Academic Article Dysregulation of uterine signaling pathways in progesterone receptor-Cre knockout of dicer.
Academic Article Loss of APC function in mesenchymal cells surrounding the M?llerian duct leads to myometrial defects in adult mice.
Academic Article Alterations in Wnt-?-catenin and Pten signalling play distinct roles in endometrial cancer initiation and progression.
Academic Article From the ranks of mammary progesterone mediators, RANKL takes the spotlight.
Academic Article Progesterone drives mammary secretory differentiation via RankL-mediated induction of Elf5 in luminal progenitor cells.
Academic Article Progesterone receptors: a key for neuroprotection in experimental stroke.
Academic Article A new isoform of steroid receptor coactivator-1 is crucial for pathogenic progression of endometriosis.
Academic Article BMPR2 is required for postimplantation uterine function and pregnancy maintenance.
Academic Article A novel LacZ reporter mouse reveals complex regulation of the progesterone receptor promoter during mammary gland development.
Academic Article Role of the progesterone receptor (PR) in susceptibility of mouse mammary gland to 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-induced hormone-independent preneoplastic lesions in vitro.
Academic Article Progesterone receptors mediate male aggression toward infants.
Academic Article Cre-mediated recombination in cell lineages that express the progesterone receptor.
Academic Article COUP-TFII mediates progesterone regulation of uterine implantation by controlling ER activity.
Academic Article Steroid receptor coactivator 2 is required for female fertility and mammary morphogenesis: insights from the mouse, relevance to the human.
Academic Article Transcriptional response of the murine mammary gland to acute progesterone exposure.
Academic Article Suppression of ERalpha activity by COUP-TFII is essential for successful implantation and decidualization.
Academic Article WNT4 is a key regulator of normal postnatal uterine development and progesterone signaling during embryo implantation and decidualization in the mouse.
Academic Article Estrogen-regulated prohibitin is required for mouse uterine development and adult function.
Academic Article Notch1 mediates uterine stromal differentiation and is critical for complete decidualization in the mouse.
Academic Article CDH1 is essential for endometrial differentiation, gland development, and adult function in the mouse uterus.
Academic Article Progesterone suppresses the mTOR pathway and promotes generation of induced regulatory T cells with increased stability.
Academic Article Functional role of progestin and the progesterone receptor in the suppression of spermatogenesis in rodents.
Concept Mammary Glands, Animal
Concept Pregnancy, Animal
Concept Disease Models, Animal
Concept Animals, Newborn
Concept Mammary Neoplasms, Animal
Concept Animals
Concept Models, Animal
Concept Sexual Behavior, Animal
Concept Behavior, Animal
Academic Article Signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (Stat3) plays a critical role in implantation via progesterone receptor in uterus.
Academic Article Loss of CDH1 and Pten accelerates cellular invasiveness and angiogenesis in the mouse uterus.
Academic Article ?-Catenin activation contributes to the pathogenesis of adenomyosis through epithelial-mesenchymal transition.
Academic Article Critical tumor suppressor function mediated by epithelial Mig-6 in endometrial cancer.
Academic Article Liver receptor homolog-1 is essential for pregnancy.
Academic Article Uterine-specific loss of Tsc2 leads to myometrial tumors in both the uterus and lungs.
Academic Article VEGF-A regulated by progesterone governs uterine angiogenesis and vascular remodelling during pregnancy.
Academic Article Progesterone signaling inhibits cervical carcinogenesis in mice.
Academic Article Progesterone receptor and Stat5 signaling cross talk through RANKL in mammary epithelial cells.
Academic Article Integrated chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing and microarray analysis identifies FOXA2 target genes in the glands of the mouse uterus.
Academic Article Paracrine-rescued lobulogenesis in chimeric outgrowths comprising progesterone-receptor-null mammary epithelium and redirected wild-type testicular cells.
Academic Article Acceleration of the glycolytic flux by steroid receptor coactivator-2 is essential for endometrial decidualization.
Academic Article Activin-like kinase 2 functions in peri-implantation uterine signaling in mice and humans.
Academic Article Fibroblast growth factor receptor two (FGFR2) regulates uterine epithelial integrity and fertility in mice.
Academic Article A murine uterine transcriptome, responsive to steroid receptor coactivator-2, reveals transcription factor 23 as essential for decidualization of human endometrial stromal cells.
Academic Article Activated AKT pathway promotes establishment of endometriosis.
Academic Article A mouse model for endometrioid ovarian cancer arising from the distal oviduct.
Academic Article Perturbing the cellular levels of steroid receptor coactivator-2 impairs murine endometrial function.
Academic Article The epidermal growth factor receptor critically regulates endometrial function during early pregnancy.
Academic Article Uterine Rbpj is required for embryonic-uterine orientation and decidual remodeling via Notch pathway-independent and -dependent mechanisms.
Academic Article The p160/steroid receptor coactivator family: potent arbiters of uterine physiology and dysfunction.
Academic Article A role for site-specific phosphorylation of mouse progesterone receptor at serine 191 in vivo.
Academic Article Mig-6 suppresses endometrial cancer associated with Pten deficiency and ERK activation.
Academic Article Hyaluronan in cervical epithelia protects against infection-mediated preterm birth.
Academic Article Constitutive activation of transforming growth factor Beta receptor 1 in the mouse uterus impairs uterine morphology and function.
Academic Article a-Galactosidase A knockout mice: progressive organ pathology resembles the type 2 later-onset phenotype of Fabry disease.
Academic Article Progesterone and HMOX-1 promote fetal growth by CD8+ T cell modulation.
Academic Article Maximal Dexamethasone Inhibition of Luminal Epithelial Proliferation Involves Progesterone Receptor (PR)- and Non-PR-Mediated Mechanisms in Neonatal Mouse Uterus.
Academic Article Estrogen Receptor ? Modulates Apoptosis Complexes and the Inflammasome to Drive the Pathogenesis of Endometriosis.
Academic Article Uterine ALK3 is essential during the window of implantation.
Academic Article Aberrant Activation of the RANK Signaling Receptor Induces Murine Salivary Gland Tumors.
Academic Article Steroid receptor coactivators as therapeutic targets in the female reproductive system.
Academic Article ARID1A Is Essential for Endometrial Function during Early Pregnancy.
Academic Article GATA4 and GATA6 Knockdown During Luteinization Inhibits Progesterone Production and Gonadotropin Responsiveness in the Corpus Luteum of Female Mice.
Academic Article Uterine glucocorticoid receptors are critical for fertility in mice through control of embryo implantation and decidualization.
Academic Article The Germ Cell Gene TDRD1 as an ERG Target Gene and a Novel Prostate Cancer Biomarker.
Academic Article Deficiency in DGCR8-dependent canonical microRNAs causes infertility due to multiple abnormalities during uterine development in mice.
Academic Article Glucose-regulated protein 94 deficiency induces squamous cell metaplasia and suppresses PTEN-null driven endometrial epithelial tumor development.
Academic Article Differential mouse-strain specific expression of Junctional Adhesion Molecule (JAM)-B in placental structures.
Academic Article Endometrial Expression of Steroidogenic Factor 1 Promotes Cystic Glandular Morphogenesis.
Academic Article Loss of Fertility in the Absence of Progesterone Receptor Expression in Kisspeptin Neurons of Female Mice.
Academic Article Distinct functions and regulation of epithelial progesterone receptor in the mouse cervix, vagina, and uterus.
Academic Article Conditional Ablation of Progesterone Receptor Membrane Component 1 Results in Subfertility in the Female and Development of Endometrial Cysts.
Academic Article The essential role of GATA transcription factors in adult murine prostate.
Academic Article Conditional Ablation of Progesterone Receptor Membrane Component 2 Causes Female Premature Reproductive Senescence.
Academic Article Three-Dimensional High-Frequency Ultrasonography for Early Detection and Characterization of Embryo Implantation Site Development in the Mouse.
Academic Article A Novel Effect of ?-Adrenergic Receptor on Mammary Branching Morphogenesis and its Possible Implications in Breast Cancer.
Academic Article A Gata2-Dependent Transcription Network Regulates Uterine Progesterone Responsiveness and Endometrial Function.
Academic Article A bioluminescence reporter mouse that monitors expression of constitutively active ?-catenin.
Academic Article Decreased epithelial progesterone receptor A at the window of receptivity is required for preparation of the endometrium for embryo attachment.
Academic Article CUZD1 is a critical mediator of the JAK/STAT5 signaling pathway that controls mammary gland development during pregnancy.
Academic Article Nuclear Shp2 directs normal embryo implantation via facilitating the ERa tyrosine phosphorylation by the Src kinase.
Academic Article Deletion of RhoA in Progesterone Receptor-Expressing Cells Leads to Luteal Insufficiency and Infertility in Female Mice.
Academic Article Conditional abrogation of transforming growth factor-? receptor 1 in PTEN-inactivated endometrium promotes endometrial cancer progression in mice.
Academic Article A Novel Use of Three-dimensional High-frequency Ultrasonography for Early Pregnancy Characterization in the Mouse.
Academic Article Uterine function in the mouse requires speckle-type poz protein.
Academic Article Growth regulation by estrogen in breast cancer 1 (GREB1) is a novel progesterone-responsive gene required for human endometrial stromal decidualization.
Academic Article PR-Set7 deficiency limits uterine epithelial population growth hampering postnatal gland formation in mice.
Academic Article A mouse model engineered to conditionally express the progesterone receptor-B isoform.
Academic Article Negative elongation factor is essential for endometrial function.
Academic Article SOX17 regulates uterine epithelial-stromal cross-talk acting via a distal enhancer upstream of Ihh.
Academic Article Progesterone modulates the T-cell response via glucocorticoid receptor-dependent pathways.
Academic Article Early growth response 1 transcriptionally primes the human endometrial stromal cell for decidualization.
Academic Article Glandular defects in the mouse uterus with sustained activation of TGF-beta signaling is associated with altered differentiation of endometrial stromal cells and formation of stromal compartment.
Academic Article Using CRISPR/Cas9 engineering to generate a mouse with a conditional knockout allele for the promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger transcription factor.
Academic Article FOXO1 regulates uterine epithelial integrity and progesterone receptor expression critical for embryo implantation.
Academic Article Enhancer of Zeste 2 Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 Subunit Is Required for Uterine Epithelial Integrity.
Academic Article A distal super enhancer mediates estrogen-dependent mouse uterine-specific gene transcription of Igf1 (insulin-like growth factor 1).
Academic Article Uterine Gaq/11 signaling, in a progesterone-dependent manner, critically regulates the acquisition of uterine receptivity in the female mouse.
Academic Article The histone methyltransferase EZH2 is required for normal uterine development and function in mice?.
Academic Article Short-term RANKL exposure initiates a neoplastic transcriptional program in the basal epithelium of the murine salivary gland.
Academic Article Impaired LH surge amplitude in gonadotrope-specific progesterone receptor knockout mice.
Academic Article 90 YEARS OF PROGESTERONE: New insights into progesterone receptor signaling in the endometrium required for embryo implantation.
Academic Article The Autophagy Gene Atg16L1 is Necessary for Endometrial Decidualization.
Academic Article Oviductal Retention of Embryos in Female Mice Lacking Estrogen Receptor a in the Isthmus and the Uterus.
Academic Article The autophagy protein, FIP200 (RB1CC1) mediates progesterone responses governing uterine receptivity and decidualization?.
Academic Article Progesterone Receptor Serves the Ovary as a Trigger of Ovulation and a Terminator of Inflammation.
Academic Article The transcriptional repressor Blimp1/PRDM1 regulates the maternal decidual response in mice.
Academic Article Endogenous YAP1 activation drives immediate onset of cervical carcinoma in situ in mice.
Academic Article Pten and Dicer1 loss in the mouse uterus causes poorly differentiated endometrial adenocarcinoma.
Academic Article Increased FOXL2 expression alters uterine structures and functions?.
Academic Article Transforming growth factor beta signaling and decidual integrity in mice?.
Academic Article Constitutive expression of progesterone receptor isoforms promotes the development of hormone-dependent ovarian neoplasms.
Academic Article WNK1 regulates uterine homeostasis and its ability to support pregnancy.
Academic Article Targeting progesterone signaling prevents metastatic ovarian cancer.
Academic Article Different Cre systems induce differential microRNA landscapes and abnormalities in the female reproductive tracts of Dgcr8 conditional knockout mice.
Academic Article Progesterone receptor isoform B regulates the Oxtr-Plcl2-Trpc3 pathway to suppress uterine contractility.
Academic Article Cell-type specific analysis of physiological action of estrogen in mouse oviducts.
Academic Article Vaginal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Develops in Mice with Conditional Arid1a Loss and Gain of Oncogenic Kras Driven by Progesterone Receptor Cre.
Academic Article Deficiency of PARP-1 and PARP-2 in the mouse uterus results in decidualization failure and pregnancy loss.
Academic Article Skin Fibrosis and Recovery Is Dependent on Wnt Activation via DPP4.
Academic Article EZH2 and Endometrial Cancer Development: Insights from a Mouse Model.
Academic Article Nuclear Progesterone Receptor Expressed by the Cortical Thymic Epithelial Cells Dictates Thymus Involution in Murine Pregnancy.
Academic Article Conditional knockout of leptin receptor in the female reproductive tract reduces fertility due to parturition defects in mice.
Academic Article Intraovarian, Isoform-Specific Transcriptional Roles of Progesterone Receptor in Ovulation.
Academic Article Aberrant uterine folding in mice disrupts implantation chamber formation and alignment of embryo-uterine axes.
Academic Article Hippo-TAZ signaling is the master regulator of the onset of triple-negative basal-like breast cancers.
Academic Article Visualization of preimplantation uterine fluid absorption in mice using Alexa Fluor? 488 Hydrazide?.
Academic Article Histopathologic and transcriptomic phenotypes of a conditional RANKL transgenic mouse thymus.
Academic Article A CRISPR/Cas9-engineered mouse carrying a conditional knockout allele for the early growth response-1 transcription factor.
Academic Article Beclin-1-dependent autophagy, but not apoptosis, is critical for stem-cell-mediated endometrial programming and the establishment of pregnancy.
Academic Article CFP1 governs uterine epigenetic landscapes to intervene in progesterone responses for uterine physiology and suppression of endometriosis.
Academic Article Chromatin architectural factor CTCF is essential for progesterone-dependent uterine maturation.
Academic Article Functional analysis reveals driver cooperativity and?novel mechanisms in endometrial carcinogenesis.
Academic Article The NR2F2-HAND2 signaling axis regulates progesterone actions in the uterus at early pregnancy.
Academic Article Steroid receptor coactivator-2 drives epithelial reprogramming that enables murine embryo implantation.
Academic Article A GREB1-steroid receptor feedforward mechanism governs differential GREB1 action in endometrial function and endometriosis.
Academic Article Versican provides the provisional matrix for uterine spiral artery dilation and fetal growth.
Academic Article Establishment of Murine Pregnancy Requires the Promyelocytic Leukemia Zinc Finger Transcription Factor.
Academic Article Contributions of white adipose tissue to energy requirements for female reproduction.
Academic Article Generation of Oviductal Glycoprotein 1 Cre Mouse Model for the Study of Secretory Epithelial Cells of the Oviduct.
Search Criteria
  • Animals