Search Result Details

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to SAGGAU, PETER
Item TypeName
Academic Article Acousto-optic random-access laser scanning microscopy: fundamentals and applications to optical recording of neuronal activity.
Academic Article High-speed, random-access fluorescence microscopy: II. Fast quantitative measurements with voltage-sensitive dyes.
Academic Article Simultaneous optical recording of membrane potential and intracellular calcium from brain slices.
Academic Article High-speed, random-access fluorescence microscopy: I. High-resolution optical recording with voltage-sensitive dyes and ion indicators.
Academic Article Indicators and optical configuration for simultaneous high-resolution recording of membrane potential and intracellular calcium using laser scanning microscopy.
Academic Article Optical measurements of calcium signals in mammalian presynaptic terminals.
Academic Article Activity-dependent intracellular acidification correlates with the duration of seizure activity.
Academic Article Live neuron morphology automatically reconstructed from multiphoton and confocal imaging data.
Academic Article Two-photon microscope for multisite microphotolysis of caged neurotransmitters in acute brain slices.
Academic Article Acousto-optic laser scanning for multi-site photo-stimulation of single neurons in vitro.
Academic Article New methods and uses for fast optical scanning.
Academic Article High-speed addressable confocal microscopy for functional imaging of cellular activity.
Academic Article Combining optical imaging and computational modeling to analyze structure and function of living neurons.
Academic Article Automatic centerline extraction of irregular tubular structures using probability volumes from multiphoton imaging.
Academic Article Three-dimensional random access multiphoton microscopy for functional imaging of neuronal activity.
Academic Article Multiphoton adaptation of a commercial low-cost confocal microscope for live tissue imaging.
Academic Article Blockade of presynaptic K ATP channels reduces the zinc-mediated posttetanic depression at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses.
Academic Article Pattern of monosynaptic Ia connections in the cat forelimb.
Academic Article Spontaneous interictal-like activity originates in multiple areas of the CA2-CA3 region of hippocampal slices.
Academic Article Adenosine inhibits evoked synaptic transmission primarily by reducing presynaptic calcium influx in area CA1 of hippocampus.
Academic Article Fast functional imaging of single neurons using random-access multiphoton (RAMP) microscopy.
Academic Article Towards automatic reconstruction of dendrite morphology from live neurons.
Concept Neurons
Concept Motor Neurons
Academic Article Three-dimensional mapping of microcircuit correlation structure.
Academic Article Automatic Morphological Reconstruction of Neurons from Multiphoton and Confocal Microscopy Images Using 3D Tubular Models.
Academic Article Combining Membrane Potential Imaging with Other Optical Techniques.
Academic Article Random-Access Multiphoton Microscopy for Fast Three-Dimensional Imaging.
Academic Article Neural circuits revealed.
Academic Article Developmental broadening of inhibitory sensory maps.
Academic Article SmartScope2: Simultaneous Imaging and Reconstruction of Neuronal Morphology.
Grant Super-resolution Workstation for Imaging Live Biological Nanostructure
Grant Reconstruction &Imaging of Living Nerve Cells
Grant Optogenetic Tools for in vivo Analysis of Cortical Circuit Plasticity
Grant Computational and Optical Studies of Neural Input/Output Relationship
Academic Article Two-photon frequency division multiplexing for functional in vivo imaging: a feasibility study.
Search Criteria
  • Neurons