Search Results (554)

Dynamic changes in soluble interleukin-2 receptor levels after lung or heart-lung transplantation.Academic Article Why?
Blood loss and transfusion requirements in cystic fibrosis patients undergoing heart-lung or lung transplantation.Academic Article Why?
International society for heart and lung transplantation statement on transplant ethics.Academic Article Why?
Polyomavirus infection and its impact on renal function and long-term outcomes after lung transplantation.Academic Article Why?
Heart-lung versus double-lung transplantation for suppurative lung disease.Academic Article Why?
Pulmonary arterial hypertension and lung transplantation.Academic Article Why?
Pediatric lung transplantation. Indications, techniques, and early results.Academic Article Why?
Bronchiolitis obliterans in recipients of single, double, and heart-lung transplantation.Academic Article Why?
The risk, prevention, and outcome of cytomegalovirus after pediatric lung transplantation.Academic Article Why?
A 76-Year-Old Man with Exertional Hypoxemia after Left Single Lung Transplantation.Academic Article Why?
A risk score to predict acute renal failure in adult patients after lung transplantation.Academic Article Why?
Analysis of sex-based differences in clinical and molecular responses to ischemia reperfusion after lung transplantation.Academic Article Why?
Anellovirus loads are associated with outcomes in pediatric lung transplantation.Academic Article Why?
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