Search Result Details

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to GIORDANO, THOMAS
Item TypeName
Academic Article Do sex and race/ethnicity influence CD4 cell response in patients who achieve virologic suppression during antiretroviral therapy?
Academic Article Retention in care: a challenge to survival with HIV infection.
Academic Article Effect of a clinic-wide social marketing campaign to improve adherence to antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection.
Academic Article Clinical evidence of interaction between itraconazole and nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors in HIV-infected patients with disseminated histoplasmosis.
Academic Article From access to engagement: measuring retention in outpatient HIV clinical care.
Academic Article The Tingathe programme: a pilot intervention using community health workers to create a continuum of care in the prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) cascade of services in Malawi.
Academic Article The effect of conspiracy beliefs and trust on HIV diagnosis, linkage, and retention in young MSM with HIV.
Academic Article Low rates of mother-to-child HIV transmission in a routine programmatic setting in Lilongwe, Malawi.
Academic Article Measuring adherence to antiretroviral therapy in a diverse population using a visual analogue scale.
Academic Article Disparities in outcomes for African American and Latino subjects in the Flexible Initial Retrovirus Suppressive Therapies (FIRST) trial.
Academic Article Communication strategies to improve HIV treatment adherence.
Academic Article Validity of self-report measures in assessing antiretroviral adherence of newly diagnosed, HAART-na?ve, HIV patients.
Academic Article Impact of antiretroviral dosing frequency and pill burden on adherence among newly diagnosed, antiretroviral-naive HIV patients.
Academic Article Centralization of HIV services in HIV-positive African-American and Hispanic youth improves retention in care.
Concept Anti-HIV Agents
Academic Article The association of clinical follow-up intervals in HIV-infected persons with viral suppression on subsequent viral suppression.
Academic Article Multiple self-report measures of antiretroviral adherence correlated in Sierra Leone, but did they agree?
Academic Article Intention to adhere to HIV treatment: a patient-centred predictor of antiretroviral adherence.
Academic Article The HIV treatment cascade--a new tool in HIV prevention.
Academic Article Single tablet HIV regimens facilitate virologic suppression and retention in care among treatment na?ve patients.
Academic Article Evaluation of a community-based ART programme after tapering home visits in rural Sierra Leone: a 24-month retrospective study.
Academic Article Understanding why HIV-infected persons disengaged from pre-ART care in Freetown, Sierra Leone: a qualitative study.
Academic Article Evaluation of a computer-based and counseling support intervention to improve HIV patients' viral loads.
Academic Article Gaps Up To 9 Months Between HIV Primary Care Visits Do Not Worsen Viral Load.
Academic Article A Comparison of Home-Based Versus Outreach Event-Based Community HIV Testing in Ugandan Fisherfolk Communities.
Academic Article Lower pill burden and once-daily antiretroviral treatment regimens for HIV infection: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Academic Article Baseline clinical characteristics, antiretroviral therapy use, and viral load suppression among HIV-positive young men of color who have sex with men.
Academic Article Predictors of reincarceration and disease progression among released HIV-infected inmates.
Academic Article Racial disparities in HIV virologic failure: do missed visits matter?
Academic Article The spectrum of engagement in HIV care: do more than 19% of HIV-infected persons in the US have undetectable viral load?
Search Criteria
  • Anti HIV Agents