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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to ROSENBERG, SUSAN
Item TypeName
Academic Article A direct role for DNA polymerase III in adaptive reversion of a frameshift mutation in Escherichia coli.
Academic Article Mismatch repair protein MutL becomes limiting during stationary-phase mutation.
Academic Article Mismatch repair in Escherichia coli cells lacking single-strand exonucleases ExoI, ExoVII, and RecJ.
Academic Article The SOS response regulates adaptive mutation.
Academic Article Mismatch repair is diminished during stationary-phase mutation.
Academic Article Evidence that stationary-phase hypermutation in the Escherichia coli chromosome is promoted by recombination.
Academic Article Microbiology and evolution. Modulating mutation rates in the wild.
Academic Article Double-strand-break repair recombination in Escherichia coli: physical evidence for a DNA replication mechanism in vivo.
Academic Article radC102 of Escherichia coli is an allele of recG.
Academic Article Stationary-phase mutation in the bacterial chromosome: recombination protein and DNA polymerase IV dependence.
Academic Article RecQ promotes toxic recombination in cells lacking recombination intermediate-removal proteins.
Academic Article Adaptive mutation and amplification in Escherichia coli: two pathways of genome adaptation under stress.
Academic Article Adaptive amplification and point mutation are independent mechanisms: evidence for various stress-inducible mutation mechanisms.
Academic Article xni-deficient Escherichia coli are proficient for recombination and multiple pathways of repair.
Academic Article An SOS-regulated type 2 toxin-antitoxin system.
Academic Article Role of RecA and the SOS response in thymineless death in Escherichia coli.
Academic Article Separate DNA Pol II- and Pol IV-dependent pathways of stress-induced mutation during double-strand-break repair in Escherichia coli are controlled by RpoS.
Academic Article A switch from high-fidelity to error-prone DNA double-strand break repair underlies stress-induced mutation.
Academic Article Measurement of SOS expression in individual Escherichia coli K-12 cells using fluorescence microscopy.
Academic Article Microbiology. Antibiotic resistance, not shaken or stirred.
Academic Article A role for topoisomerase III in a recombination pathway alternative to RuvABC.
Academic Article Stress-induced mutation via DNA breaks in Escherichia coli: a molecular mechanism with implications for evolution and medicine.
Academic Article Two mechanisms produce mutation hotspots at DNA breaks in Escherichia coli.
Academic Article Single-strand-specific exonucleases prevent frameshift mutagenesis by suppressing SOS induction and the action of DinB/DNA polymerase IV in growing cells.
Academic Article Spontaneous DNA breakage in single living Escherichia coli cells.
Academic Article DinB upregulation is the sole role of the SOS response in stress-induced mutagenesis in Escherichia coli.
Academic Article Stress-induced beta-lactam antibiotic resistance mutation and sequences of stationary-phase mutations in the Escherichia coli chromosome.
Academic Article RecQ-dependent death-by-recombination in cells lacking RecG and UvrD.
Academic Article The sigma(E) stress response is required for stress-induced mutation and amplification in Escherichia coli.
Academic Article Competition of Escherichia coli DNA polymerases I, II and III with DNA Pol IV in stressed cells.
Academic Article Recombination of bacteriophage lambda in recD mutants of Escherichia coli.
Academic Article Recombination in adaptive mutation.
Academic Article Adaptive mutation sequences reproduced by mismatch repair deficiency.
Academic Article Opposing roles of the holliday junction processing systems of Escherichia coli in recombination-dependent adaptive mutation.
Academic Article SOS mutator DNA polymerase IV functions in adaptive mutation and not adaptive amplification.
Academic Article Adaptive mutations, mutator DNA polymerases and genetic change strategies of pathogens.
Academic Article The dinB operon and spontaneous mutation in Escherichia coli.
Academic Article Roles of E. coli double-strand-break-repair proteins in stress-induced mutation.
Academic Article On the mechanism of gene amplification induced under stress in Escherichia coli.
Academic Article Life, death, differentiation, and the multicellularity of bacteria.
Academic Article Pathways of resistance to thymineless death in Escherichia coli and the function of UvrD.
Academic Article What limits the efficiency of double-strand break-dependent stress-induced mutation in Escherichia coli?
Concept Escherichia coli Proteins
Academic Article Thymineless death is inhibited by CsrA in Escherichia coli lacking the SOS response.
Academic Article Atypical Role for PhoU in Mutagenic Break Repair under Stress in Escherichia coli.
Academic Article Roles of Nucleoid-Associated Proteins in Stress-Induced Mutagenic Break Repair in Starving Escherichia coli.
Academic Article The DNA polymerase III holoenzyme contains ? and is not a trimeric polymerase.
Academic Article The Small RNA GcvB Promotes Mutagenic Break Repair by Opposing the Membrane Stress Response.
Academic Article Persistent damaged bases in DNA allow mutagenic break repair in Escherichia coli.
Academic Article The transcription fidelity factor GreA impedes DNA break repair.
Academic Article Biology before the SOS Response-DNA Damage Mechanisms at Chromosome Fragile Sites.
Academic Article Genomic mapping of DNA-repair reaction intermediates in living cells with engineered DNA structure-trap proteins.
Academic Article Evolutionary action of mutations reveals antimicrobial resistance genes in Escherichia coli.
Academic Article Life, the genome and everything.
Search Criteria
  • Escherichia coli Proteins