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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to ABE, JUN-ICHI
Item TypeName
Concept Reactive Oxygen Species
Concept Oxygen Consumption
Academic Article Fyn and JAK2 mediate Ras activation by reactive oxygen species.
Academic Article Reactive oxygen species activate p90 ribosomal S6 kinase via Fyn and Ras.
Academic Article Src and Cas mediate JNK activation but not ERK1/2 and p38 kinases by reactive oxygen species.
Academic Article Fluid shear stress activates proline-rich tyrosine kinase via reactive oxygen species-dependent pathway.
Academic Article Cyclophilin A mediates vascular remodeling by promoting inflammation and vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation.
Academic Article NADPH oxidase in vascular injury: a new insight about its regulation and role in T cells.
Academic Article Reactive oxygen species-induced activation of p90 ribosomal S6 kinase prolongs cardiac repolarization through inhibiting outward K+ channel activity.
Academic Article Flow shear stress and atherosclerosis: a matter of site specificity.
Academic Article Reactive oxygen species as mediators of signal transduction in cardiovascular disease.
Academic Article Disturbed-flow-mediated vascular reactive oxygen species induce endothelial dysfunction.
Academic Article Mitochondrial Dok-4 recruits Src kinase and regulates NF-kappaB activation in endothelial cells.
Academic Article Cyclophilin A enhances vascular oxidative stress and the development of angiotensin II-induced aortic aneurysms.
Academic Article Central role of endogenous Toll-like receptor-2 activation in regulating inflammation, reactive oxygen species production, and subsequent neointimal formation after vascular injury.
Academic Article Cyclophilin A is an inflammatory mediator that promotes atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice.
Academic Article Cardiovascular Inflammation 2012: Reactive Oxygen Species, SUMOylation, and Biomarkers in Cardiovascular Inflammation.
Academic Article Reactive Oxygen Species, SUMOylation, and Endothelial Inflammation.
Academic Article Reactive oxygen species, SUMOylation, and endothelial inflammation
Academic Article Role of p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (p90RSK) in reactive oxygen species and protein kinase C beta (PKC-beta)-mediated cardiac troponin I phosphorylation.
Academic Article The Ser/Thr kinase p90RSK promotes kidney fibrosis by modulating fibroblast-epithelial crosstalk.
Academic Article Mitochondria and chronic effects of cancer therapeutics: The clinical implications.
Academic Article Paradoxical effects of osteoprotegerin on vascular function: inhibiting inflammation while promoting oxidative stress?
Search Criteria
  • Oxygen