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One or more keywords matched the following properties of BURRIN, DOUGLAS
overview Nutritional Regulation of Neonatal Gut and Liver Health and Disease My laboratory has several basic and translational projects designed to establish how nutritional support, enteral versus parenteral, effects gut and liver function and susceptibility to disease in early development. We have used the neonatal piglet to established unique models of parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease (PNALD), necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and short-bowel syndrome (SBS) to address clinically-relevant problems in pediatric gastroenterology. Current projects in the laboratory seek to identify the cellular and molecular mechanism that lead to PNALD and metabolic dysfunction associated with prematurity and neonatal parenteral nutrition (PN) support. Our recent studies show that chronic PN induces hepatic steatosis, cholestasis and insulin resistance in term and premature neonatal piglets. We are currently exploring how specific nutrients in commercial lipid emulsions alter the susceptibility to PNALD. We are exploring how nutrients affect interorgan and local cellular signaling pathways involved in hepatic lipid metabolism and bile acid homeostasis. We are also testing whether the adverse metabolic phenotype induced by PN is programmed and persists beyond the neonatal period and predisposes to adolescent fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes. Studies also are aimed at establishing the cellular and physiological functions of glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2), an FDA-approved gut hormone currently in clinical trial for treatment of adult short-bowel syndrome. Past studies in TPN-fed piglets were first to show the trophic and vasoactive actions of GLP-2 in the neonatal gut. We identified the cellular co-localization of the GLP-2 receptor in enteric neurons with neurotransmitters. Current studies are aimed at establishing unique enterally-mediated signaling mechanisms that trigger enteroendocrine cell GLP-2 secretion and GLP-2 receptor function. We are also testing the efficacy of GLP-2 administration for prevention of NEC and treatment of SBS in premature piglet models. We take an integrative experimental approach dictated by the research question to address relevant functions at the whole animal, tissue, cellular or molecular level. We use sophisticated metabolic, cell biological and molecular approaches, such as stable isotope metabolomics, laser-capture microdissection, gene microarray, and confocal microscopic imaging to identify the cellular localization of specific signals involved in the metabolism, proliferation and survival of relevant cell types, including mucosal epithelial cells and hepatocytes.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to BURRIN, DOUGLAS
Item TypeName
Academic Article Fractional synthesis rates of retinol-binding protein, transthyretin, and a new peptide measured by stable isotope techniques in neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Supplemental alanylglutamine, organ growth, and nitrogen metabolism in neonatal pigs fed by total parenteral nutrition.
Academic Article Growth and metabolism of gastrointestinal and skeletal muscle tissues in protein-malnourished neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Chronic low protein intake reduces tissue protein synthesis in a pig model of protein malnutrition.
Academic Article Chronic protein deficiency differentially affects the kinetics of plasma proteins in young pigs.
Academic Article Severe protein deficiency and repletion alter body and brain composition and organ weights in infant pigs.
Academic Article Nutrient-independent and nutrient-dependent factors stimulate protein synthesis in colostrum-fed newborn pigs.
Academic Article Orally administered lactoferrin increases hepatic protein synthesis in formula-fed newborn pigs.
Academic Article Orally administered IGF-I increases intestinal mucosal growth in formula-fed neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Lactase phlorhizin hydrolase turnover in vivo in water-fed and colostrum-fed newborn pigs.
Academic Article Protein synthesis in skeletal muscle and jejunum is more responsive to feeding in 7-than in 26-day-old pigs.
Academic Article Role of milk-borne vs endogenous insulin-like growth factor I in neonatal growth.
Academic Article Measurement of plasma protein synthesis rate in infant pig: an investigation of alternative tracer approaches.
Academic Article Phenylalanine utilization by the gut and liver measured with intravenous and intragastric tracers in pigs.
Academic Article Intrauterine growth restriction does not alter response of protein synthesis to feeding in newborn pigs.
Academic Article Roles of insulin and amino acids in the regulation of protein synthesis in the neonate.
Academic Article Catabolism dominates the first-pass intestinal metabolism of dietary essential amino acids in milk protein-fed piglets.
Academic Article Integration of amino acid and carbon intermediary metabolism: studies with uniformly labeled tracers and mass isotopomer analysis.
Academic Article Enteral glutamate is the preferential source for mucosal glutathione synthesis in fed piglets.
Academic Article Level of nutrition and visceral organ protein synthetic capacity and nucleic acid content in sheep.
Academic Article Parenteral nutrition selectively decreases protein synthesis in the small intestine.
Academic Article Postnatal growth of gut and muscle: competitors or collaborators.
Academic Article Exogenous growth hormone induces somatotrophic gene expression in neonatal liver and skeletal muscle.
Academic Article Protein nutrition of the neonate.
Academic Article Transgenic hypersecretion of des(1-3) human insulin-like growth factor I in mouse milk has limited effects on the gastrointestinal tract in suckling pups.
Academic Article Differential effects of insulin on peripheral and visceral tissue protein synthesis in neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Intestinal protein and LPH synthesis in parenterally fed piglets receiving partial enteral nutrition and enteral insulinlike growth factor 1.
Academic Article Lactase phlorizin hydrolase synthesis is decreased in protein-malnourished pigs.
Academic Article Acute IGF-I infusion stimulates protein synthesis in skeletal muscle and other tissues of neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Exogenous insulin-like growth factor-I increases weight gain in intrauterine growth-retarded neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Minimal enteral nutrient requirements for intestinal growth in neonatal piglets: how much is enough?
Academic Article Protein kinetics determined in vivo with a multiple-tracer, single-sample protocol: application to lactase synthesis.
Academic Article Intestinal lysine metabolism is driven by the enteral availability of dietary lysine in piglets fed a bolus meal.
Academic Article GLP-2-mediated up-regulation of intestinal blood flow and glucose uptake is nitric oxide-dependent in TPN-fed piglets 1.
Academic Article Dietary amino acids are the preferential source of hepatic protein synthesis in piglets.
Academic Article Response of skeletal muscle protein synthesis to insulin in suckling pigs decreases with development.
Academic Article Porcine colostrum and milk stimulate visceral organ and skeletal muscle protein synthesis in neonatal piglets.
Academic Article Dexamethasone inhibits small intestinal growth via increased protein catabolism in neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Oral IGF-I alters the posttranslational processing but not the activity of lactase-phlorizin hydrolase in formula-fed neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Aminoacyl-tRNA and tissue free amino acid pools are equilibrated after a flooding dose of phenylalanine.
Academic Article Substrate oxidation by the portal drained viscera of fed piglets.
Academic Article Development of intestinal immunoglobulin absorption and enzyme activities in neonatal pigs is diet dependent.
Academic Article Dietary plasma protein reduces small intestinal growth and lamina propria cell density in early weaned pigs.
Academic Article Stimulation of protein synthesis by both insulin and amino acids is unique to skeletal muscle in neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Somatotropin increases protein balance by lowering body protein degradation in fed, growing pigs.
Academic Article Somatotropin regulation of protein metabolism in pigs.
Academic Article Adaptive regulation of intestinal lysine metabolism.
Academic Article Preterm birth affects the intestinal response to parenteral and enteral nutrition in newborn pigs.
Academic Article Somatotropin-induced protein anabolism in hindquarters and portal-drained viscera of growing pigs.
Academic Article Secretion of trophic gut peptides is not different in bolus- and continuously fed piglets.
Academic Article Threonine utilization is high in the intestine of piglets.
Academic Article The high metabolic cost of a functional gut.
Academic Article Glutamine and the bowel.
Academic Article Glucagon-like peptide 2 function in domestic animals.
Academic Article Parenteral nutrition results in impaired lactose digestion and hexose absorption when enteral feeding is initiated in infant pigs.
Academic Article Minimal enteral feeding induces maturation of intestinal motor function but not mucosal growth in neonatal dogs.
Academic Article Intestinal amino acid metabolism in neonates.
Academic Article Expression of apical membrane L-glutamate transporters in neonatal porcine epithelial cells along the small intestinal crypt-villus axis.
Academic Article Stage of development and fasting affect protein synthetic activity in the gastrointestinal tissues of suckling rats.
Academic Article Emerging aspects of dietary glutamate metabolism in the developing gut.
Academic Article Metabolomics in the opening decade of the 21st century: building the roads to individualized health.
Academic Article Glucagon-like peptide 2: a key link between nutrition and intestinal adaptation in neonates?
Academic Article Leucine-nitrogen metabolism in the brain of conscious rats: its role as a nitrogen carrier in glutamate synthesis in glial and neuronal metabolic compartments.
Academic Article Onset of small intestinal atrophy is associated with reduced intestinal blood flow in TPN-fed neonatal piglets.
Academic Article Arginine-induced stimulation of protein synthesis and survival in IPEC-J2 cells is mediated by mTOR but not nitric oxide.
Academic Article Postprandial intestinal and whole body nitrogen kinetics and distribution in piglets fed a single meal.
Academic Article Near-infrared spectroscopy measurement of abdominal tissue oxygenation is a useful indicator of intestinal blood flow and necrotizing enterocolitis in premature piglets.
Academic Article Measuring splanchnic amino acid metabolism in vivo using stable isotopic tracers.
Academic Article Total parenteral nutrition energy composition affects small intestinal disaccharidase activity in the newborn miniature pig.
Academic Article Feeding colostrum rapidly alters enzymatic activity and the relative isoform abundance of jejunal lactase in neonatal pigs.
Academic Article GLP-2 rapidly activates divergent intracellular signaling pathways involved in intestinal cell survival and proliferation in neonatal piglets.
Academic Article Total parenteral nutrition induces liver steatosis and apoptosis in neonatal piglets.
Academic Article GLP-2 receptor localizes to enteric neurons and endocrine cells expressing vasoactive peptides and mediates increased blood flow.
Academic Article Methionine transmethylation and transsulfuration in the piglet gastrointestinal tract.
Academic Article Effect of level of nutrition on splanchnic blood flow and oxygen consumption in sheep.
Academic Article Extensive gut metabolism limits the intestinal absorption of excessive supplemental dietary glutamate loads in infant pigs.
Academic Article Intake and use of milk nutrients by rat pups suckled in small, medium, or large litters.
Academic Article Positive net movements of amino acids in the hindlimb after overnight food deprivation contribute to sustaining the elevated anabolism of neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Enteral feeding induces diet-dependent mucosal dysfunction, bacterial proliferation, and necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm pigs on parenteral nutrition.
Academic Article Sulfur amino acid deficiency upregulates intestinal methionine cycle activity and suppresses epithelial growth in neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Metabolic fate and function of dietary glutamate in the gut.
Academic Article Carbohydrate maldigestion induces necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm pigs.
Academic Article Intestinal metabolism of sulfur amino acids.
Academic Article Expression of mRNA for proglucagon and glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) receptor in the ruminant gastrointestinal tract and the influence of energy intake.
Academic Article Enteral arginine does not increase superior mesenteric arterial blood flow but induces mucosal growth in neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) increases small intestinal blood flow and mucosal growth in ruminating calves.
Academic Article B-vitamin deficiency is protective against DSS-induced colitis in mice.
Academic Article Visceral organ size and hepatocyte metabolic activity in fed and fasted rats.
Academic Article Chronic parenteral nutrition induces hepatic inflammation, steatosis, and insulin resistance in neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Preventative oral methylthioadenosine is anti-inflammatory and reduces DSS-induced colitis in mice.
Academic Article Intestinal threonine utilization for protein and mucin synthesis is decreased in formula-fed preterm pigs.
Academic Article De novo synthesis is the main source of ornithine for citrulline production in neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Fetal lipopolysaccharide exposure modulates diet-dependent gut maturation and sensitivity to necrotising enterocolitis in pre-term pigs.
Academic Article GLP-2 delays but does not prevent the onset of necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm pigs.
Academic Article Supplementing monosodium glutamate to partial enteral nutrition slows gastric emptying in preterm pigs(1-3).
Academic Article Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) increases net amino acid utilization by the portal-drained viscera of ruminating calves.
Academic Article Digestive physiology of the pig symposium: intestinal bile acid sensing is linked to key endocrine and metabolic signaling pathways.
Academic Article Brush-border disaccharidase synthesis in infant pigs measured in vivo with [2H3]leucine.
Academic Article Enteral glutamate is almost completely metabolized in first pass by the gastrointestinal tract of infant pigs.
Academic Article Is milk-borne insulin-like growth factor-I essential for neonatal development?
Academic Article Colostrum enhances the nutritional stimulation of vital organ protein synthesis in neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Exogenous growth hormone stimulates somatotropic axis function and growth in neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Amino acid metabolism and the energetics of growth.
Academic Article Hepatic protein synthesis in suckling rats: effects of stage of development and fasting.
Academic Article Dietary and systemic phenylalanine utilization for mucosal and hepatic constitutive protein synthesis in pigs.
Academic Article Feeding colostrum increases circulating insulin-like growth factor I in newborn pigs independent of endogenous growth hormone secretion.
Academic Article Intestinal glutamate metabolism.
Academic Article Enteral nutrient intake level determines intestinal protein synthesis and accretion rates in neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Dietary plasma protein is used more efficiently than extruded soy protein for lean tissue growth in early-weaned pigs.
Academic Article Nonnutritive factors in colostrum enhance myofibrillar protein synthesis in the newborn Pig.
Academic Article GLP-2 stimulates intestinal growth in premature TPN-fed pigs by suppressing proteolysis and apoptosis.
Academic Article Enterocyte digestive enzyme activity along the crypt-villus and longitudinal axes in the neonatal pig small intestine.
Academic Article Role of the gut in the amino acid economy of the host.
Academic Article The pattern of intestinal substrate oxidation is altered by protein restriction in pigs.
Academic Article GLP-2 has differential effects on small intestine growth and function in fetal and neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Net portal absorption of enterally fed alpha-ketoglutarate is limited in young pigs.
Academic Article Glutamine or glutamic acid effects on intestinal growth and disaccharidase activity in infant piglets receiving total parenteral nutrition.
Academic Article Total parenteral nutrition adversely affects gut barrier function in neonatal piglets.
Academic Article Response of muscle protein synthesis to fasting in suckling and weaned rats.
Academic Article Glucagon-like peptide 2 dose-dependently activates intestinal cell survival and proliferation in neonatal piglets.
Academic Article Whole-body and hindlimb protein breakdown are differentially altered by feeding in neonatal piglets.
Academic Article Glucagon-like peptide-2 acutely increases proximal small intestinal blood flow in TPN-fed neonatal piglets.
Academic Article Glucagon-like peptide-2 protects against TPN-induced intestinal hexose malabsorption in enterally refed piglets.
Academic Article Feeding an elemental diet vs a milk-based formula does not decrease intestinal mucosal growth in infant pigs.
Academic Article Diet- and colonization-dependent intestinal dysfunction predisposes to necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm pigs.
Academic Article Formula-feeding reduces lactose digestive capacity in neonatal pigs.
Academic Article First-pass metabolism limits the intestinal absorption of enteral alpha-ketoglutarate in young pigs.
Academic Article Level of nutrition and splanchnic metabolite flux in young lambs.
Academic Article Level of nutrition and visceral organ size and metabolic activity in sheep.
Academic Article Apical Na+-D-glucose cotransporter 1 (SGLT1) activity and protein abundance are expressed along the jejunal crypt-villus axis in the neonatal pig.
Academic Article Enteral bile acid treatment improves parenteral nutrition-related liver disease and intestinal mucosal atrophy in neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Continuous parenteral and enteral nutrition induces metabolic dysfunction in neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Modulation of the gut microbiota with antibiotic treatment suppresses whole body urea production in neonatal pigs.
Concept Pregnancy, Animal
Concept Disease Models, Animal
Concept Animals, Newborn
Concept Animals
Concept Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena
Concept Models, Animal
Concept Animals, Domestic
Concept Animal Feed
Concept Animals, Inbred Strains
Concept Animals, Suckling
Concept Behavior, Animal
Concept Animals, Genetically Modified
Academic Article Glucagon-like peptide-2 induces rapid digestive adaptation following intestinal resection in preterm neonates.
Academic Article Central GLP-2 enhances hepatic insulin sensitivity via activating PI3K signaling in POMC neurons.
Academic Article Invited review: the preterm pig as a model in pediatric gastroenterology.
Academic Article Bile acids induce glucagon-like peptide 2 secretion with limited effects on intestinal adaptation in early weaned pigs.
Academic Article Antibiotics modulate intestinal immunity and prevent necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm neonatal piglets.
Academic Article New generation lipid emulsions prevent PNALD in chronic parenterally fed preterm pigs.
Academic Article Acute effects of the glucagon-like peptide 2 analogue, teduglutide, on intestinal adaptation in short bowel syndrome.
Academic Article Dual purpose use of preterm piglets as a model of pediatric GI disease.
Academic Article Delayed initiation but not gradual advancement of enteral formula feeding reduces the incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in preterm pigs.
Academic Article Animal models of gastrointestinal and liver diseases. Animal models of infant short bowel syndrome: translational relevance and challenges.
Academic Article Amino acids and insulin are regulators of muscle protein synthesis in neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Validating hyperbilirubinemia and gut mucosal atrophy with a novel ultramobile ambulatory total parenteral nutrition piglet model.
Academic Article Low Abdominal NIRS Values and Elevated Plasma Intestinal Fatty Acid-Binding Protein in a Premature Piglet Model of Necrotizing Enterocolitis.
Academic Article Early gradual feeding with bovine colostrum improves gut function and NEC resistance relative to infant formula in preterm pigs.
Academic Article Vitamin E in New-Generation Lipid Emulsions Protects Against Parenteral Nutrition-Associated Liver Disease in Parenteral Nutrition-Fed Preterm Pigs.
Academic Article Expression of apical Na(+)-L-glutamine co-transport activity, B(0)-system neutral amino acid co-transporter (B(0)AT1) and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 along the jejunal crypt-villus axis in young pigs fed a liquid formula.
Academic Article Determination of 7a-OH cholesterol by LC-MS/MS: Application in assessing the activity of CYP7A1 in cholestatic minipigs.
Academic Article Multi-omic profiles of hepatic metabolism in TPN-fed preterm pigs administered new generation lipid emulsions.
Academic Article Improved Starch Digestion of Sucrase-deficient Shrews Treated With Oral Glucoamylase Enzyme Supplements.
Academic Article Use of a novel docosahexaenoic acid formulation vs control in a neonatal porcine model of short bowel syndrome leads to greater intestinal absorption and higher systemic levels of DHA.
Academic Article The intestinal-renal axis for arginine synthesis is present and functional in the neonatal pig.
Academic Article Phytosterols Synergize With Endotoxin to Augment Inflammation in Kupffer Cells but Alone Have Limited Direct Effect on Hepatocytes.
Academic Article Minimal Enteral Nutrition to Improve Adaptation After Intestinal Resection in Piglets and Infants.
Academic Article Acute activation of GLP-1-expressing neurons promotes glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity.
Academic Article Nutrient Fortification of Human Donor Milk Affects Intestinal Function and Protein Metabolism in Preterm Pigs.
Academic Article Prematurity reduces citrulline-arginine-nitric oxide production and precedes the onset of necrotizing enterocolitis in piglets.
Academic Article Metabolomic signatures distinguish the impact of formula carbohydrates on disease outcome in a preterm piglet model of NEC.
Academic Article Human Milk Fortification with Bovine Colostrum Is Superior to Formula-Based Fortifiers to Prevent Gut Dysfunction, Necrotizing Enterocolitis, and Systemic Infection in Preterm Pigs.
Academic Article Growth and Clinical Variables in Nitrogen-Restricted Piglets Fed an Adjusted Essential Amino Acid Mix: Effects of Partially Intact Protein-Based Diets.
Academic Article Growth and Clinical Variables in Nitrogen-Restricted Piglets Fed an Adjusted Essential Amino Acid Mix: Effects of Free Amino Acid-Based Diets.
Grant Regulation of Hepatic Metabolic Function by Parenteral Nutrition
Academic Article Undernutrition Shapes the Gut Microbiota and Bile Acid Profile in Association with Altered Gut-Liver FXR Signaling in Weaning Pigs.
Academic Article Differential action of TGR5 agonists on GLP-2 secretion and promotion of intestinal adaptation in a piglet short bowel model.
Academic Article Targeted metabolomics analysis of maternal-placental-fetal metabolism in pregnant swine reveals links in fetal bile acid homeostasis and sulfation capacity.
Academic Article New generation lipid emulsions increase brain DHA and improve body composition, but not short-term neurodevelopment in parenterally-fed preterm piglets.
Academic Article Transcriptome Profiling of Placenta through Pregnancy Reveals Dysregulation of Bile Acids Transport and Detoxification Function.
Academic Article Prematurity blunts the feeding-induced stimulation of translation initiation signaling and protein synthesis in muscle of neonatal piglets.
Academic Article Rifampicin, not vitamin E, suppresses parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease development through the pregnane X receptor pathway in piglets.
Academic Article Developmental changes in the utilization of citrulline by neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Translational Advances in Pediatric Nutrition and Gastroenterology: New Insights from Pig Models.
Academic Article Dysregulated FXR-FGF19 signaling and choline metabolism are associated with gut dysbiosis and hyperplasia in a novel pig model of pediatric NASH.
Academic Article Nutrient Restriction has Limited Short-Term Effects on Gut, Immunity, and Brain Development in Preterm Pigs.
Academic Article Rapid Postnatal Upregulation of Intestinal Farnesoid X Receptor-Fibroblast Growth Factor 19 Signaling in Premature Pigs.
Academic Article Alpha-Lactalbumin Enriched Whey Protein Concentrate to Improve Gut, Immunity and Brain Development in Preterm Pigs.
Academic Article Parenteral lipids shape gut bile acid pools and microbiota profiles in the prevention of cholestasis in preterm pigs.
Academic Article Neurodegeneration in juvenile Iberian pigs with diet-induced nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
Academic Article Parenteral lipid emulsions induce unique ileal fatty acid and metabolomic profiles but do not increase the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm pigs.
Academic Article Modeling age-dependent developmental changes in the expression of genes involved in citrulline synthesis using pig enteroids.
Academic Article Prematurity blunts the insulin- and amino acid-induced stimulation of translation initiation and protein synthesis in skeletal muscle of neonatal pigs.
Academic Article Parenteral Fish-Oil Containing Lipid Emulsions Limit Initial Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Host Immune Responses in Preterm Pigs.
Academic Article Depletion and enrichment of phytosterols in soybean oil lipid emulsions directly associate with serum markers of cholestasis in preterm parenteral nutrition-fed pigs.
Academic Article Consumption of High-Fructose Corn Syrup Compared with Sucrose Promotes Adiposity and Increased Triglyceridemia but Comparable NAFLD Severity in Juvenile Iberian Pigs.
Academic Article Potential Benefits of Bovine Colostrum in Pediatric Nutrition and Health.
Academic Article Intermittent bolus feeding does not enhance protein synthesis, myonuclear accretion, or lean growth more than continuous feeding in a premature piglet model.
Academic Article Tissue-specific mechanisms of bile acid homeostasis and activation of FXR-FGF19 signaling in preterm and term neonatal pigs.
Academic Article High-Fructose, High-Fat Diet Alters Muscle Composition and Fuel Utilization in a Juvenile Iberian Pig Model of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.
Academic Article Maternal and Fetal Bile Acid Homeostasis Regulated by Sulfated Progesterone Metabolites through FXR Signaling Pathway in a Pregnant Sow Model.
Academic Article Cholestasis alters brain lipid and bile acid composition and compromises motor function in neonatal piglets.
Academic Article Dietary fat composition shapes bile acid metabolism and severity of liver injury in a pig model of pediatric NAFLD.
Academic Article Regulation of skeletal muscle protein synthesis in the preterm pig by intermittent leucine pulses during continuous parenteral feeding.
Academic Article Increased Circulating Cortisol After Vaginal Birth Is Associated With Increased FGF19 Secretion in Neonatal Pigs.
Academic Article Fibroblast growth factor 19 secretion and function in perinatal development.
Academic Article Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Supplementation Promotes Brain Maturation in Preterm Pigs.
Academic Article Probiotics and Human Milk Differentially Influence the Gut Microbiome and NEC Incidence in Preterm Pigs.
Academic Article Preterm Pigs Fed Donor Human Milk Have Greater Liver ?-Carotene Concentrations than Pigs Fed Infant Formula.
Academic Article Gut development following insulin-like growth factor-1 supplementation to preterm pigs.
Academic Article Pulsatile Leucine Administration during Continuous Enteral Feeding Enhances Skeletal Muscle Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Complex 1 Signaling and Protein Synthesis in a Preterm Piglet Model.
Academic Article Adverse Metabolic Phenotypes in Parenterally Fed Neonatal Pigs Do Not Persist into Adolescence.
Academic Article Citrulline and ADI-PEG20 reduce inflammation in a juvenile porcine model of acute endotoxemia.
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  • Animals