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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to ALKADHI, KARIM
Item TypeName
Academic Article Effects of felodipine and verapamil on transmission in the isolated superior cervical ganglion of the rat.
Academic Article Pharmacological analysis of the actions of SKF 82526 on cardiovascular dopamine receptors.
Academic Article Pharmacological characterization of dopamine receptors in the stellate ganglia with selective DA1 and DA2 receptor agonists and antagonists.
Academic Article 2,2'-Phthaloyl-,2,2'-isophthaloyl-, and 2,2'-terephthaloylbis[1,1,1-trimethylhydrazinium] dihydroxide, bis(inner salts): synthesis, partition coefficients, toxicity and effect on ganglionic transmission.
Academic Article Activation of DA1 receptors by dopamine or fenoldopam increases cyclic AMP levels in the renal artery but not in the superior cervical ganglion of the rat.
Academic Article Effect of dopamine receptor activation on ganglionic transmission and cyclic AMP levels in the stellate ganglia and renal arteries of the dog.
Academic Article Effects of emetine and dehydroemetine at the frog neuromuscular junction.
Academic Article Phosphorus-nitrogen compounds. 26. Phosphaminimides. 2. 2,2'-Phosphinylidenebis(1,1,1-trimethylhydrazinium) iodide inner salts as agents affecting ganglionic transmission.
Academic Article Endplate channel actions of a hemicholinium-3 analog, DMAE.
Academic Article Emetine increases giant miniature endplate potential population at the frog neuromuscular junction.
Academic Article Non-nicotinic transmission during ganglionic block with chlorisondamine and nicotine.
Academic Article Effect of preganglionic nerve stimulation on sensitivity of the superior cervical ganglion to nicotinic blocking agents.
Academic Article Differential blockade of ganglionic transmission by extract from venom gland of black widow spider (Latrodectus mactans).
Academic Article Ketamine and ditran block end-plate ion conductance and [3H]phencyclidine binding to electric organ membrane.
Academic Article Pre- and postsynaptic actions of valproic acid at the frog neuromuscular junction.
Academic Article Inhibitory effect of adenosine on transmission in sympathetic ganglia.
Academic Article Effects of McN-A-343, a cholinomimetic drug, on endplate currents in the frog.
Academic Article Inhibition of epileptiform activity by serotonin in rat CA1 neurons.
Academic Article Valproic acid inhibits the depolarizing rectification in neurons of rat amygdala.
Academic Article Effects of Methylmercuric chloride on sympathetic preganglionic nerves.
Academic Article Veratridine-enhanced persistent sodium current induces bursting in CA1 pyramidal neurons.
Academic Article Induction and maintenance of ganglionic long-term potentiation require activation of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT3) receptors.
Academic Article Effects of serotonin on induced epileptiform activity in CA1 pyramidal neurons of genetically epilepsy prone rats.
Academic Article Nitric oxide mediates long-term potentiation in rat superior cervical ganglion.
Academic Article Effects of ATP-sensitive K(+)-channel activators on transmitter release parameters at the frog neuromuscular junction.
Academic Article Cyclic AMP antagonizes adenosine-induced inhibition of ganglionic transmission.
Academic Article Nitric oxide is required for the maintenance but not initiation of ganglionic long-term potentiation.
Academic Article Epileptiform activity of veratridine model in rat brain slices: effects of antiepileptic drugs.
Academic Article Valproic acid intensifies epileptiform activity in the hippocampal pyramidal neurons.
Academic Article Effects of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydroxypyridine (MPTP) on ganglionic transmission.
Academic Article Reduction of elevated arterial blood pressure in obese Zucker rats by inhibition of ganglionic long-term potentiation.
Academic Article Veratridine-treated brain slices: a cellular model for epileptiform activity.
Academic Article Impaired long-term potentiation in obese zucker rats: possible involvement of presynaptic mechanism.
Academic Article Retrograde carbon monoxide is required for induction of long-term potentiation in rat superior cervical ganglion.
Academic Article Inhibition of ganglionic long-term potentiation decreases blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Academic Article Combination of hypothyroidism and stress abolishes early LTP in the CA1 but not dentate gyrus of hippocampus of adult rats.
Academic Article Action of carbamazepine on epileptiform activity of the verartidine model in CA1 neurons.
Academic Article Chronic psychosocial stress decreases calcineurin in the dentate gyrus: a possible mechanism for preservation of early ltp.
Academic Article Reduced basal CaMKII levels in hippocampal CA1 region: possible cause of stress-induced impairment of LTP in chronically stressed rats.
Academic Article Effects of inorganic potassium channel blockers on calcium requirement of transmission in a sympathetic ganglion.
Academic Article Adverse effect of the combination of hypothyroidism and chronic psychosocial stress on hippocampus-dependent memory in rats.
Academic Article Chronic psychosocial stress accelerates impairment of long-term memory and late-phase long-term potentiation in an at-risk model of Alzheimer's disease.
Academic Article Hypothyroidism impairs long-term potentiation in sympathetic ganglia: electrophysiologic and molecular studies.
Academic Article Impairment of long-term potentiation in the CA1, but not dentate gyrus, of the hippocampus in Obese Zucker rats: role of calcineurin and phosphorylated CaMKII.
Academic Article Nicotine blocks stress-induced impairment of spatial memory and long-term potentiation of the hippocampal CA1 region.
Academic Article Chronic psychosocial stress-induced impairment of hippocampal LTP: possible role of BDNF.
Academic Article Levothyroxin restores hypothyroidism-induced impairment of LTP of hippocampal CA1: electrophysiological and molecular studies.
Academic Article Effect of calcium on synaptic facilitation by potassium channel blockers in superior cervical ganglion of rat.
Academic Article Nicotine prevents stress-induced enhancement of long-term depression in hippocampal area CA1: electrophysiological and molecular studies.
Academic Article Caffeine prevents cognitive impairment induced by chronic psychosocial stress and/or high fat-high carbohydrate diet.
Academic Article Adult-onset hypothyroidism facilitates and enhances LTD: reversal by chronic nicotine treatment.
Academic Article Treadmill exercise prevents learning and memory impairment in Alzheimer's disease-like pathology.
Academic Article Ganglion blocking effects of streptomycin.
Academic Article Chronic but not acute nicotine treatment reverses stress-induced impairment of LTP in anesthetized rats.
Academic Article Nicotine reverses adult-onset hypothyroidism-induced impairment of learning and memory: Behavioral and electrophysiological studies.
Academic Article Nicotine prevents disruption of the late phase LTP-related molecular cascade in adult-onset hypothyroidism.
Academic Article Expression of gLTP in sympathetic ganglia from stress-hypertensive rats: molecular evidence.
Academic Article Expression of gLTP in sympathetic ganglia of obese Zucker rats in vivo: molecular evidence.
Academic Article Long-term depression in the superior cervical ganglion of the rat.
Academic Article Rhythmic discharge induced by temperature variation and drugs in isolated sympathetic ganglia.
Academic Article Chronic psychosocial stress triggers cognitive impairment in a novel at-risk model of Alzheimer's disease.
Academic Article Caffeine prevents sleep loss-induced deficits in long-term potentiation and related signaling molecules in the dentate gyrus.
Academic Article Chronic caffeine treatment prevents sleep deprivation-induced impairment of cognitive function and synaptic plasticity.
Academic Article Intensification of long-term memory deficit by chronic stress and prevention by nicotine in a rat model of Alzheimer's disease.
Academic Article Transmitter mobilization at the frog neuromuscular junction.
Academic Article Differential expression of molecular markers of synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, and amygdala in response to spatial learning, predator exposure, and stress-induced amnesia.
Academic Article Exercise prevents sleep deprivation-associated anxiety-like behavior in rats: potential role of oxidative stress mechanisms.
Academic Article Role of a7- and a4?2-nAChRs in the neuroprotective effect of nicotine in stress-induced impairment of hippocampus-dependent memory.
Academic Article Regular exercise prevents sleep deprivation associated impairment of long-term memory and synaptic plasticity in the CA1 area of the hippocampus.
Academic Article Cyclic guanosine 3':5'-monophosphate accumulation and 45Ca-uptake by rat superior cervical ganglia during preganglionic stimulation.
Academic Article Endogenous bursting due to altered sodium channel function in rat hippocampal CA1 neurons.
Academic Article Effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid on the compound action potential of the rat superior cervical ganglion.
Academic Article Serotonin inhibits epileptiform discharge by activation of 5-HT1A receptors in CA1 pyramidal neurons.
Academic Article Adenosine A1 receptor activation inhibits LTP in sympathetic ganglia.
Academic Article Hypothyroidism impairs late LTP in CA1 region but not in dentate gyrus of the intact rat hippocampus: MAPK involvement.
Academic Article Role of phosphorylated CaMKII and calcineurin in the differential effect of hypothyroidism on LTP of CA1 and dentate gyrus.
Academic Article Psychosocial stress-induced hypertension results from in vivo expression of long-term potentiation in rat sympathetic ganglia.
Academic Article Molecular studies on the protective effect of nicotine in adult-onset hypothyroidism-induced impairment of long-term potentiation.
Academic Article A critical role of CREB in the impairment of late-phase LTP by adult onset hypothyroidism.
Academic Article A comparative study of the actions of histamine H2 receptor antagonists on transmission in the isolated superior cervical ganglion of the rat.
Academic Article Transmission blockade and stimulation of ganglionic adenylate cyclase by catecholamines.
Academic Article The sliding threshold of modification hypothesis: application to the effect of hypothyroidism or chronic psychosocial stress and nicotine on synaptic plasticity.
Academic Article Effect of chronic stress or nicotine on hypothyroidism-induced enhancement of LTD: electrophysiological and molecular studies.
Academic Article In vivo expression of ganglionic long-term potentiation in superior cervical ganglia from hypertensive aged rats.
Academic Article Levothyroxin restores hypothyroidism-induced impairment of hippocampus-dependent learning and memory: Behavioral, electrophysiological, and molecular studies.
Academic Article Chronic psychosocial stress exacerbates impairment of cognition and long-term potentiation in beta-amyloid rat model of Alzheimer's disease.
Academic Article Calmodulin and guanylyl cyclase inhibitors block the in vivo expression of gLTP in sympathetic ganglia from chronically stressed rats.
Academic Article Chronic nicotine restores normal A? levels and prevents short-term memory and E-LTP impairment in A? rat model of Alzheimer's disease.
Academic Article Adverse effect of combination of chronic psychosocial stress and high fat diet on hippocampus-dependent memory in rats.
Academic Article Acute nicotine treatment prevents REM sleep deprivation-induced learning and memory impairment in rat.
Academic Article Elevation of BACE in an A? rat model of Alzheimer's disease: exacerbation by chronic stress and prevention by nicotine.
Academic Article Chronic psychosocial stress exacerbates impairment of synaptic plasticity in ?-amyloid rat model of Alzheimer's disease: prevention by nicotine.
Academic Article Post-learning REM sleep deprivation impairs long-term memory: reversal by acute nicotine treatment.
Academic Article Chronic psychosocial stress enhances long-term depression in a subthreshold amyloid-beta rat model of Alzheimer's disease.
Academic Article The beneficial effects of regular exercise on cognition in REM sleep deprivation: behavioral, electrophysiological and molecular evidence.
Academic Article Chronic caffeine treatment prevents stress-induced LTP impairment: the critical role of phosphorylated CaMKII and BDNF.
Academic Article Giant miniature end-plate potentials at the untreated and emetine-treated frog neuromuscular junction.
Academic Article Grape powder supplementation prevents oxidative stress-induced anxiety-like behavior, memory impairment, and high blood pressure in rats.
Concept Physical Conditioning, Animal
Concept Disease Models, Animal
Concept Animals
Concept Behavior, Animal
Academic Article Diabetes impairs synaptic plasticity in the superior cervical ganglion: possible role for BDNF and oxidative stress.
Academic Article A high-salt diet further impairs age-associated declines in cognitive, behavioral, and cardiovascular functions in male Fischer brown Norway rats.
Academic Article Regular treadmill exercise prevents sleep deprivation-induced disruption of synaptic plasticity and associated signaling cascade in the dentate gyrus.
Academic Article Grape powder intake prevents ovariectomy-induced anxiety-like behavior, memory impairment and high blood pressure in female Wistar rats.
Academic Article Levothyroxin replacement therapy restores hypothyroidism induced impairment of L-LTP induction: critical role of CREB.
Academic Article Regular exercise prevents non-cognitive disturbances in a rat model of Alzheimer's disease.
Academic Article Chronic nicotine treatment reverses hypothyroidism-induced impairment of L-LTP induction phase: critical role of CREB.
Academic Article Moderate treadmill exercise rescues anxiety and depression-like behavior as well as memory impairment in a rat model of posttraumatic stress disorder.
Academic Article Chronic psychosocial stress impairs early LTP but not late LTP in the dentate gyrus of at-risk rat model of Alzheimer's disease.
Academic Article Chronic Stress Decreases Basal Levels of Memory-Related Signaling Molecules in Area CA1 of At-Risk (Subclinical) Model of Alzheimer's Disease.
Academic Article Moderate Treadmill Exercise Protects Synaptic Plasticity of the Dentate Gyrus and Related Signaling Cascade in a Rat Model of Alzheimer's Disease.
Academic Article Caffeine treatment prevents rapid eye movement sleep deprivation-induced impairment of late-phase long-term potentiation in the dentate gyrus.
Academic Article Prevention by Regular Exercise of Acute Sleep Deprivation-Induced Impairment of Late Phase LTP and Related Signaling Molecules in the Dentate Gyrus.
Academic Article Caffeine and REM sleep deprivation: Effect on basal levels of signaling molecules in area CA1.
Academic Article Comparison of the Effect of Exercise on Late-Phase LTP of the Dentate Gyrus and CA1 of Alzheimer's Disease Model.
Academic Article Exercise as a Positive Modulator of Brain Function.
Academic Article Exercise decreases BACE and APP levels in the hippocampus of a rat model of Alzheimer's disease.
Academic Article Neuroprotective Effects of Nicotine on Hippocampal Long-Term Potentiation in Brain Disorders.
Academic Article Delayed effects of combined stress and A? infusion on L-LTP of the dentate gyrus: Prevention by nicotine.
Academic Article Effect of Exercise and A? Protein Infusion on Long-Term Memory-Related Signaling Molecules in Hippocampal Areas.
Academic Article Cellular and Molecular Differences Between Area CA1 and the Dentate Gyrus of the Hippocampus.
Academic Article Comparison of Effects of Spatial and Non-Spatial Memory Acquisition on the CaMKII Pathway During Hypothyroidism and Nicotine Treatment.
Academic Article NMDA receptor-independent LTP in mammalian nervous system.
Academic Article Thyroidectomy and PTU-Induced Hypothyroidism: Effect of L-Thyroxine on Suppression of Spatial and Non-Spatial Memory Related Signaling Molecules.
Academic Article Synaptic Plasticity and Cognitive Ability in Experimental Adult-Onset Hypothyroidism.
Search Criteria
  • Animals