Search Results (710)

Longitudinal single-cell profiling reveals molecular heterogeneity and tumor-immune evolution in refractory mantle cell lymphoma.Academic Article Why?
Characterizing the assembly and age-related decline of neural circuits in Drosophila by single-cell profilingGrant Why?
SCMarker: Ab initio marker selection for single cell transcriptome profiling.Academic Article Why?
Designed improvement to T-cell immunotherapy by multidimensional single cell profiling.Academic Article Why?
Large-scale neurophysiology and single-cell profiling in human neuroscience.Academic Article Why?
Single-cell profiling of dynamic cytokine secretion and the phenotype of immune cells.Academic Article Why?
Identifying signatures of EV secretion in metastatic breast cancer through functional single-cell profiling.Academic Article Why?
Single-Cell Profiling of the Antigen-Specific Response to BNT162b2 SARS-CoV-2 RNA Vaccine.Academic Article Why?
Single-cell profiling of the antigen-specific response to BNT162b2 SARS-CoV-2 RNA vaccine.Academic Article Why?
Multimodal profiling of single-cell morphology, electrophysiology, and gene expression using Patch-seq.Academic Article Why?
High-throughput single-cell epigenomic profiling by targeted insertion of promoters (TIP-seq).Academic Article Why?
Patch-seq: Multimodal Profiling of Single-Cell Morphology, Electrophysiology, and Gene Expression.Academic Article Why?
Single-cell damagenome profiling unveils vulnerable genes and functional pathways in human genome toward DNA damage.Academic Article Why?
Single-cell replication profiling to measure stochastic variation in mammalian replication timing.Academic Article Why?
Insights into acute myeloid leukemia via single cell network profiling.Academic Article Why?
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