Search Results (1465)

Nitric oxide promotes distant organ protection: evidence for an endocrine role of nitric oxide.Academic Article Why?
Tryptophan 409 controls the activity of neuronal nitric-oxide synthase by regulating nitric oxide feedback inhibition.Academic Article Why?
Localized increase in nitric oxide production and the expression of nitric oxide synthase isoforms in rat uterus with experimental intrauterine infection.Academic Article Why?
Nitric oxide release and contractile properties of skeletal muscles from mice deficient in type III NOS.Academic Article Why?
Direct demonstration of negative regulation of tumor growth and metastasis by host-inducible nitric oxide synthase.Academic Article Why?
Increased nitric oxide synthase activity and expression in the human uterine artery during pregnancy.Academic Article Why?
Nitric oxide (NO) upregulates NO synthase expression in fetal intrapulmonary artery endothelial cells.Academic Article Why?
Frequency-dependent effect of nitric oxide donor nitroglycerin on bone.Academic Article Why?
Intestinal O2 consumption in necrotizing enterocolitis: role of nitric oxide.Academic Article Why?
Dietary nitrite restores NO homeostasis and is cardioprotective in endothelial nitric oxide synthase-deficient mice.Academic Article Why?
Destruction of bystander cells by tumor cells transfected with inducible nitric oxide (NO) synthase gene.Academic Article Why?
Inhibiting Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase in Enteric Glia Restores Electrogenic Ion Transport in Mice With Colitis.Academic Article Why?
Nitric oxide in traumatic brain injury.Academic Article Why?
XIE, KEPINGPerson Why?
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