Search Results (813)

An athymic rat model of cutaneous radiation injury designed to study human tissue-based wound therapy.Academic Article Why?
Effect of misonidazole on radiation injury to mouse spinal cord.Academic Article Why?
Normal tissue development, homeostasis, senescence, and the sensitivity to radiation injury across the age spectrum.Academic Article Why?
Radiation injury of the lung after three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy.Academic Article Why?
Radiation injury: imaging findings in the chest, abdomen and pelvis after therapeutic radiation.Academic Article Why?
Quinic acid derivative KZ-41 exhibits radiomitigating activity in preclinical models of radiation injury.Academic Article Why?
Up to Date: Management of radiation injuryAcademic Article Why?
Mass Radiation Exposure: Lessons of Chernobyl, Transplant Center Preparations and the Radiation Injury Treatment Network.Academic Article Why?
PET/CT and hepatic radiation injury in esophageal cancer patients.Academic Article Why?
Radiation InjuriesConcept Why?
Radiation Injuries, ExperimentalConcept Why?
Differentiation between intra-axial metastatic tumor progression and radiation injury following fractionated radiation therapy or stereotactic radiosurgery using MR spectroscopy, perfusion MR imaging or volume progression modeling.Academic Article Why?
Hepatic radiation injury mimicking a metastasis on positron-emission tomography/computed tomography in a patient with esophageal carcinoma.Academic Article Why?
Mapping Radiation Injury and Recovery in Bone Marrow Using 18F-FLT PET/CT and USPIO MRI in a Rat Model.Academic Article Why?
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