Search Results (798)

KIM, SE-KANGPerson Why?
Extracting body image symptom dimensions among eating disorder patients: the Profile Analysis via Multidimensional Scaling (PAMS) approach.Academic Article Why?
Doppler echocardiographic analysis of the transmitral flow velocity profile in patients with ventricular septal defects.Academic Article Why?
RNA-seq analysis of lung adenocarcinomas reveals different gene expression profiles between smoking and nonsmoking patients.Academic Article Why?
Distinctive serum protein profiles involving abundant proteins in lung cancer patients based upon antibody microarray analysis.Academic Article Why?
Integrative analysis of breast cancer reveals prognostic haematopoietic activity and patient-specific immune response profiles.Academic Article Why?
Pooled Analysis Safety Profile of Nivolumab and Ipilimumab Combination Therapy in Patients With Advanced Melanoma.Academic Article Why?
Gene microarray analysis of lncRNA and mRNA expression profiles in patients with hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinomaAcademic Article Why?
RNA-seq analysis of lung adenocarcinomas reveals different gene expression profiles between smoking and nonsmoking patientsAcademic Article Why?
Serum microRNA profiling in patients with glioblastoma: a survival analysis.Academic Article Why?
Predicting ultrahigh risk multiple myeloma by molecular profiling: an analysis of newly diagnosed transplant eligible myeloma XI trial patients.Academic Article Why?
Radical radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy for inoperable, locally advanced, non-small cell lung cancer: Analysis of patient profile, treatment approaches, and outcomes for 213 patients at a tertiary cancer center.Academic Article Why?
Boosted decision tree analysis of surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization mass spectral serum profiles discriminates prostate cancer from noncancer patients.Academic Article Why?
Overall safety profile of boceprevir plus peginterferon alfa-2b and ribavirin in patients with chronic hepatitis C genotype 1: a combined analysis of 3 phase 2/3 clinical trials.Academic Article Why?
Prolonged response to treatment based on cell-free DNA analysis and molecular profiling in three patients with metastatic cancer: a case series.Academic Article Why?
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