Search Results (911)

Third trimester growth restriction patterns: individualized assessment using a fetal growth pathology score.Academic Article Why?
Growth patterns and gastrointestinal symptoms in pediatric patients after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.Academic Article Why?
Mapping growth patterns and genetic influences on early brain development in twinsAcademic Article Why?
Delineating the molecular landscape of different histopathological growth patterns in colorectal cancer liver metastases.Academic Article Why?
Growth patterns of human neuroblastoma xenografts and their relationship to treatment outcome.Academic Article Why?
Maternal Choline Supplementation Alters Fetal Growth Patterns in a Mouse Model of Placental Insufficiency.Academic Article Why?
Mucous Gland Adenoma: The Spectrum of Growth Patterns and the Diagnostic Challenges.Academic Article Why?
Spinal Growth Patterns After Craniospinal Irradiation in Children With Medulloblastoma.Academic Article Why?
The spectrum of histologic growth patterns in benign and malignant fibrous tumors of the pleura.Academic Article Why?
Growth Patterns of Fetal Lung Volumes in Healthy Fetuses and Fetuses With Isolated Left-Sided Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.Academic Article Why?
Physiological mechanisms underlying children's circannual growth patterns and their contributions to the obesity epidemic in elementary school age children.Academic Article Why?
Replacement and desmoplastic histopathological growth patterns in cutaneous melanoma liver metastases: frequency, characteristics, and robust prognostic value.Academic Article Why?
The in vitro growth patterns and drug sensitivities of leukemic blast progenitors among the subtypes of acute myelocytic leukemia.Academic Article Why?
Spatial and temporal patterns of expression of epidermal growth factor, transforming growth factor alpha and transforming growth factor beta 1-3 and their receptors in mouse jejunum after radiation treatment.Academic Article Why?
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