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Health Status Disparities by Sex, Race/Ethnicity,?and Socioeconomic Status in Outpatients With Heart Failure.Academic Article Why?
Health Status DisparitiesConcept Why?
"Challenges and opportunities in academic medicine" APS racism series: at the intersection of equity, science, and social justice.Academic Article Why?
A comparison of cardiovascular risk factors between Asian-Americans and non-Asian Americans: An analysis from the NHANES database.Academic Article Why?
Achieving health equity to eliminate racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in HBV- and HCV-associated liver disease.Academic Article Why?
Addressing geographic confounding through spatial propensity scores: a study of racial disparities in diabetes.Academic Article Why?
Adiponectin, Insulin Sensitivity, ?-Cell Function, and Racial/Ethnic Disparity in Treatment Failure Rates in TODAY.Academic Article Why?
An ecological approach to understanding black-white disparities in perinatal mortality.Academic Article Why?
Area deprivation is associated with poorer overall survival in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.Academic Article Why?
Arteriographic Patterns of Atherosclerosis and the Association between Diabetes Mellitus and Ethnicity in Chronic Critical Limb Ischemia.Academic Article Why?
Association Between Urban Regeneration and Healthcare-Seeking Behavior of Affected Residents: A Natural Experiment in two Multi-Ethnic Deprived Housing Areas in Denmark.Academic Article Why?
Association of Sociodemographic and Health-Related Factors With Receipt of Nondefinitive Therapy Among Younger Men With High-Risk Prostate Cancer.Academic Article Why?
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