Search Results (3416)

Ruta 6 selectively induces cell death in brain cancer cells but proliferation in normal peripheral blood lymphocytes: A novel treatment for human brain cancer.Academic Article Why?
ADAM9 promotes lung cancer metastases to brain by a plasminogen activator-based pathway.Academic Article Why?
Advances in decoding breast cancer brain metastasis.Academic Article Why?
Breast cancer brain metastases.Academic Article Why?
Breast Cancer Brain Metastasis: A Comprehensive Review.Academic Article Why?
Disseminated Actinomyces meyeri infection resembling lung cancer with brain metastases.Academic Article Why?
Engineering a Brain Cancer Chip for High-throughput Drug Screening.Academic Article Why?
Glycosylation alterations in lung and brain cancer.Academic Article Why?
Interrogating Metabolism in Brain Cancer.Academic Article Why?
MicroRNA based theranostics for brain cancer: basic principles.Academic Article Why?
MicroRNA-1258 suppresses breast cancer brain metastasis by targeting heparanase.Academic Article Why?
MRI evaluation of the effects of whole brain radiotherapy on breast cancer brain metastasis.Academic Article Why?
NDRG1 in Aggressive Breast Cancer Progression and Brain Metastasis.Academic Article Why?
Noninvasive therapy of brain cancer using a unique systemic delivery methodology with a cancer terminator virus.Academic Article Why?
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