Search Results (431)

A 5-YEAR-OLD GIRL WITH ABDOMINAL PAIN, VOMITING, AND TACHYCARDIAA 5-Year-Old Girl with Abdominal Pain, Vomiting and Tachycardia.Academic Article Why?
44-Year-Old Man With Abdominal Pain, Fever, and Bloody Diarrhea.Academic Article Why?
A 13-year-old boy with chronic abdominal pain and vomiting.Academic Article Why?
Abdominal Pain After Colonoscopy.Academic Article Why?
Acute hepatic dysfunction with abdominal pain and ascites.Academic Article Why?
Case 2: Progressive Abdominal Pain in a 3-year-old Boy with Repaired Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.Academic Article Why?
Case 5: Right Upper Quadrant Abdominal Pain in an Otherwise Healthy 8-year-old Girl.Academic Article Why?
Challenges in surgical management of abdominal pain in the neutropenic cancer patient.Academic Article Why?
Diagnostic errors related to acute abdominal pain in the emergency department.Academic Article Why?
Impact of endoscopy on management of chronic abdominal pain in children.Academic Article Why?
Inflammatory Biomarkers and Clinical Judgment in the Emergency Diagnosis of Urgent Abdominal Pain.Academic Article Why?
Paediatric functional abdominal pain disorders.Academic Article Why?
Recurrent abdominal pain: what determines medical consulting behavior?Academic Article Why?
Subtypes of irritable bowel syndrome based on abdominal pain/discomfort severity and bowel pattern.Academic Article Why?
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