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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to HILLIARD, MARISA
Item TypeName
Academic Article Nighttime caregiving behaviors among parents of young children with Type 1 diabetes: associations with illness characteristics and parent functioning.
Academic Article Supporting parents of very young children with type 1 diabetes: results from a pilot study.
Academic Article Pediatric self-management: a framework for research, practice, and policy.
Academic Article Disentangling the roles of parental monitoring and family conflict in adolescents' management of type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Predictors of deteriorations in diabetes management and control in adolescents with type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Individual and family strengths: an examination of the relation to disease management and metabolic control in youth with type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Predictors of diabetes-related quality of life after transitioning to the insulin pump.
Academic Article Stress among fathers of young children with type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Fathers' involvement in preadolescents' diabetes adherence and glycemic control.
Academic Article Psychological screening in adolescents with type 1 diabetes predicts outcomes one year later.
Academic Article Prediction of adolescents' glycemic control 1 year after diabetes-specific family conflict: the mediating role of blood glucose monitoring adherence.
Academic Article Diabetes resilience: a model of risk and protection in type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article How poorer quality of life in adolescence predicts subsequent type 1 diabetes management and control.
Concept Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1
Concept Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2
Academic Article Identification of minimal clinically important difference scores of the PedsQL in children, adolescents, and young adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Academic Article Patterns and predictors of paternal involvement in early adolescents' type 1 diabetes management over 3 years.
Academic Article Perspectives from before and after the pediatric to adult care transition: a mixed-methods study in type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Motivational interviewing to promote adherence behaviors in pediatric type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article The emerging diabetes online community.
Academic Article Protective Factors in Young Children With Type 1 Diabetes.
Academic Article Contemporary faces of diabetes care for youth and young adults in the 21st century: evolution in the roles of patients and families, healthcare providers and systems, behavioral health, and the online community.
Academic Article Adherence in adolescents with Type 1 diabetes: strategies and considerations for assessment in research and practice.
Academic Article Parent stress and child behavior among young children with type 1 diabetes
Academic Article Whose quality of life is it anyway? Discrepancies between youth and parent health-related quality of life ratings in type 1 and type 2 diabetes
Academic Article Camp for Youth With Type 1 Diabetes.
Academic Article Stress and A1c Among People with Diabetes Across the Lifespan.
Academic Article Evidence-based behavioral interventions to promote diabetes management in children, adolescents, and families.
Academic Article Nighttime is the worst time: Parental fear of hypoglycemia in young children with type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Peer Coaching Interventions for Parents of Children with Type 1 Diabetes.
Academic Article The Diabetes Strengths and Resilience Measure for Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes (DSTAR-Teen): Validation of a New, Brief Self-Report Measure.
Academic Article Strengths, Risk Factors, and Resilient Outcomes in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes: Results From Diabetes MILES Youth-Australia.
Academic Article RETRACTED: Management and Family Burdens Endorsed by Parents of Youth <7 Years Old With Type 1 Diabetes.
Academic Article Diabetes-Specific and General Life Stress and Glycemic Outcomes in Emerging Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: Is Race/Ethnicity a Moderator?
Academic Article Management and Family Burdens Endorsed by Parents of Youth <7 Years Old With Type 1 Diabetes.
Academic Article Design and development of a stepped-care behavioral intervention to support parents of young children newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Strengths-Based Behavioral Intervention for Parents of Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes Using an mHealth App (Type 1 Doing Well): Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.
Academic Article Screening and support for emotional burdens of youth with type 1 diabetes: Strategies for diabetes care providers.
Academic Article Considering Culture: A Review of Pediatric Behavioral Intervention Research in Type 1 Diabetes.
Academic Article Identifying and addressing gaps in reproductive health education for adolescent girls with type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Review of Community-Engaged Research in Pediatric Diabetes.
Academic Article Disparities in Care Delivery and Outcomes in Young Adults With Diabetes.
Academic Article Featured Article: Strengths-Based, Clinic-Integrated Nonrandomized Pilot Intervention to Promote Type 1 Diabetes Adherence and Well-Being.
Academic Article ISPAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines 2018: Psychological care of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Positive Well-Being in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes During Early Adolescence.
Grant Development and Pilot of a Strengths-Based Behavioral mHealth Intervention to Promote Resilience in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes
Grant Developing and Pilot Testing Community and Family-Based Strategies to improve Type 1 Diabetes Management in African American and Latino School-Aged Children
Academic Article Psychometric Properties of the Parent and Child Problem Areas in Diabetes Measures.
Academic Article Medical and Psychological Considerations for Carbohydrate-Restricted Diets in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes.
Grant The Promoting Resilience in Stress Management (PRISM) Intervention: a multisite randomized control trial in adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes
Grant A Stepped Care Behavioral Intervention Trial for Young Children with T1D
Grant Improving Family Management and Glycemic Control in Youth <8 Years Old with Type 1 Diabetes
Academic Article Using patient reported outcomes in diabetes research and practice: Recommendations from a national workshop.
Academic Article Longitudinal Changes in Depression Symptoms and Glycemia in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes.
Academic Article Benefits and Barriers of Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Young Children with Type 1 Diabetes.
Academic Article Assessing strengths of children with type 1 diabetes: Validation of the Diabetes Strengths and Resilience (DSTAR) measure for ages 9 to 13.
Academic Article Diabetes disclosure strategies in adolescents and young adult with type 1 diabetes.
Grant DiaBetter Together: A Strengths-Based Peer Mentor Program to Support Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes During the Transition from Pediatrics to Adult Care
Academic Article Assessing Health-Related Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents with Diabetes: Development and Psychometrics of the Type 1 Diabetes and Life (T1DAL) Measures.
Academic Article "I'm essentially his pancreas": Parent perceptions of diabetes burden and opportunities to reduce burden in the care of children <8?years old with type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Barriers and Facilitators to Involvement in Children's Diabetes Management Among Minority Parents.
Academic Article Sources and Valence of Information Impacting Parents' Decisions to Use Diabetes Technologies in Young Children <8 Years Old with Type 1 Diabetes.
Academic Article Type 1 Doing Well: Pilot Feasibility and Acceptability Study of a Strengths-Based mHealth App for Parents of Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes.
Academic Article Greater parental comfort with lower glucose targets in young children with Type 1 diabetes using continuous glucose monitoring.
Academic Article The Role of Parent Self-Regulation in Youth Type 1 Diabetes Management.
Academic Article Diabetes distress and HbA1c in racially/ethnically and socioeconomically diverse youth with type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Defining features of diabetes resilience in emerging adults with type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Design and psychometrics for new measures of health-related quality of life in adults with type 1 diabetes: Type 1 Diabetes and Life (T1DAL).
Academic Article Profiles of Depressive Symptoms and Diabetes Distress in Preadolescents With Type 1 Diabetes.
Academic Article Health-related quality of life in parents and partners of people with type 1 diabetes: Development and validation of type 1 diabetes and life (T1DAL) measures.
Academic Article Implementation and Preliminary Feasibility of an Individualized, Supportive Approach to Behavioral Care for Parents of Young Children Newly Diagnosed With Type 1 Diabetes.
Academic Article Recruiting and retaining parents in behavioral intervention trials: Strategies to consider.
Academic Article Patterns of Continuous Glucose Monitor Use in Young Children Throughout the First 18 Months Following Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis.
Academic Article Corrigendum to "Design and psychometrics for new measures of health-related quality of life in adults with type 1 diabetes: Type 1 Diabetes and Life (T1DAL)" [Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 174 (2021) 108537].
Academic Article Predictors of mood, diabetes-specific and COVID-19-specific experiences among parents of early school-age children with type 1 diabetes during initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Academic Article "We are a family with diabetes": Parent perspectives on siblings of youth with type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Source-specific social support and psychosocial stress among mothers and fathers during initial diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in young children.
Academic Article 'I don't sleep through the night': Qualitative study of sleep in type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Suicide Risk in Youth and Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes: a Review of the Literature and Clinical Recommendations for Prevention.
Academic Article Peer-support intervention for African American and Latino parents to improve the glycemic control trajectory among school-aged children with type 1 diabetes: A pilot and feasibility protocol.
Academic Article Long-term Continuous Glucose Monitor Use in Very Young Children With Type 1 Diabetes: One-Year Results From the SENCE Study.
Academic Article Development and delivery of a brief family behavioral intervention to support continuous glucose monitor use in young children with type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Diabetes-specific functioning in parents of young children with recently diagnosed type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Preventing, Screening, and Treating Suicidality in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes: Roles for Behavioral Health Care Professionals.
Academic Article Up all night? Sleep disruption in parents of young children newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Clinically elevated parent depressive symptoms and stress at child type 1 diabetes diagnosis: Associations with parent diabetes self-efficacy at 18-months post-diagnosis.
Academic Article Self-Regulation as a Protective Factor for Diabetes Distress and Adherence in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Academic Article Correlates and Patterns of COVID-19 Vaccination Intentions among Parents of Children with Type 1 Diabetes.
Academic Article Diabetes-Related Worries and Coping Among Youth and Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes.
Academic Article A randomized clinical trial assessing continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) use with standardized education with or without a family behavioral intervention compared with fingerstick blood glucose monitoring in very young children with type 1 diabetes
Academic Article 8. Obesity and Weight Management for the Prevention and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes: Standards of Care in Diabetes-2023.
Academic Article Introduction and Methodology: Standards of Care in Diabetes-2023.
Academic Article 3. Prevention or Delay of Type 2 Diabetes and Associated Comorbidities: Standards of Care in Diabetes-2023.
Academic Article Protocol for the Promoting Resilience in Stress Management (PRISM) intervention: A multi-site randomized controlled trial for adolescents with type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article ISPAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines 2022: Diabetes technologies: Insulin delivery.
Academic Article First STEPS: Primary Outcomes of a Randomized, Stepped-Care Behavioral Clinical Trial for Parents of Young Children With New-Onset Type 1 Diabetes.
Academic Article Psychosocial, Medical, and Demographic Variables Associated with Parent Mealtime Behavior in Young Children Recently Diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.
Academic Article "It Just Kind of Feels Like a Different World Now:" Stress and Resilience for Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes in the Era of COVID-19.
Academic Article Twelve-month psychosocial outcomes of continuous glucose monitoring with behavioural support in parents of young children with type 1 diabetes.
Grant A Brief Telehealth Intervention to Address Diabetes Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) in Families of Youth and Adults with Type 1 Diabetes across Clinical Settings: A Pilot and Feasibility Study
Academic Article Satisfaction With Participation in the First STEPS Behavioral Intervention: Experiences of Parents of Young Children With Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes.
Academic Article Addendum. 3. Prevention or Delay of Type 2 Diabetes and Associated Comorbidities: Standards of Care in Diabetes-2023. Diabetes Care 2023;46(Suppl. 1):S41-S48.
Academic Article Response to Comment on Elsayed et al. 5. Facilitating Positive Health Behaviors and Well-being to Improve Health Outcomes: Standards of Care in Diabetes-2023. Diabetes Care 2023;46(Suppl. 1):S68-S96.
Academic Article Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes.
Grant Strengths-Based Multi-Level Behavioral Intervention to Promote Resilience and Self-Management in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes
Academic Article "Faith, family, and friends": Pandemic-related coping in parents of adolescents with type 1 diabetes
Academic Article Promoting Resilience in Stress Management (PRISM) among Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Academic Article Introduction and Methodology: Standards of Care in Diabetes-2024.
Academic Article 8. Obesity and Weight Management for the Prevention and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes: Standards of Care in Diabetes-2024.
Academic Article Promoting Resilience in Stress Management for Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Search Criteria
  • Diabetes Mellitus Type 2