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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to HAIR, AMY
Item TypeName
Concept Infant, Newborn, Diseases
Concept Infant, Newborn
Academic Article Human milk feeding supports adequate growth in infants = 1250 grams birth weight.
Academic Article Ascending in utero herpes simplex virus infection in an initially healthy-appearing premature infant.
Academic Article Fortifier and cream improve fat delivery in continuous enteral infant feeding of breast milk.
Academic Article Serum phosphorus levels in premature infants receiving a donor human milk derived fortifier.
Academic Article Premature Infants 750-1,250?g Birth Weight Supplemented with a Novel Human Milk-Derived Cream Are Discharged Sooner.
Academic Article Beyond Necrotizing Enterocolitis Prevention: Improving Outcomes with an Exclusive Human Milk-Based Diet.
Academic Article Breast feeding associated with reduced risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
Academic Article Own mother's milk significantly decreases the risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
Academic Article Beyond Necrotizing Enterocolitis: Other Clinical Advantages of an Exclusive Human Milk Diet.
Academic Article Nutritional considerations in the care of conjoined twins.
Academic Article Premature small for gestational age infants fed an exclusive human milk-based diet achieve catch-up growth without metabolic consequences at 2 years of age.
Academic Article Using formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue to characterize the preterm gut microbiota in necrotising enterocolitis and spontaneous isolated perforation using marginal and diseased tissue.
Academic Article Improved feeding tolerance and growth are linked to increased gut microbial community diversity in very-low-birth-weight infants fed mother's own milk compared with donor breast milk.
Academic Article Human Milk Use in the Preoperative Period Is Associated with a Lower Risk for Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Neonates with Complex Congenital Heart Disease.
Academic Article Very preterm infants who receive transitional formulas as a complement to human milk can achieve catch-up growth.
Academic Article Optimizing the Use of Human Milk Cream Supplement in Very Preterm Infants: Growth and Cost Outcomes.
Academic Article Optimizing Delivery of Breast Milk for Premature Infants: Comparison of Current Enteral Feeding Systems.
Academic Article Preoperative Feeds in Ductal-Dependent Cardiac Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Academic Article Parent and Provider Perspectives on the Imprecise Label of "Human Milk Fortifier" in the NICU.
Academic Article Growth, Body Composition, and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at 2 Years Among Preterm Infants Fed an Exclusive Human Milk Diet in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Pilot Study.
Academic Article Small Proportion of Low-Birth-Weight Infants With Ostomy and Intestinal Failure Due to Short-Bowel Syndrome Achieve Enteral Autonomy Prior to Reanastomosis.
Academic Article Human milk fortification: the clinician and parent perspectives.
Academic Article The Relationship Between Preoperative Feeding Exposures and Postoperative Outcomes in Infants With Congenital Heart Disease.
Academic Article Incidence of spontaneous intestinal perforations exceeds necrotizing enterocolitis in extremely low birth weight infants fed an exclusive human milk-based diet: A single center experience.
Academic Article In neonatal-onset surgical short bowel syndrome survival is high, and enteral autonomy is related to residual bowel length.
Academic Article Growth outcomes of small for gestational age preterm infants before and after implementation of an exclusive human milk-based diet.
Academic Article Percent mother's own milk feedings for preterm neonates predicts discharge feeding outcomes.
Academic Article Evaluation of the Neonatal Sequential Organ Failure Assessment and Mortality Risk in Preterm Infants with Necrotizing Enterocolitis.
Academic Article Spontaneous intestinal perforation (SIP) will soon become the most common form of surgical bowel disease in the extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infant.
Academic Article Patterns of lipid-injectable emulsion use in neonatal intensive care units across the United States: A multi-institution survey.
Academic Article Human Milk Fortification: A Practical Analysis of Current Evidence.
Academic Article Variability in antibiotic duration for necrotizing enterocolitis and outcomes in a large multicenter cohort.
Academic Article Fecal Elastase in Preterm Infants to Predict Growth Outcomes.
Academic Article Dilemmas in human milk fortification.
Academic Article Neurodevelopmental outcomes of extremely preterm infants fed an exclusive human milk-based diet versus a mixed human milk?+?bovine milk-based diet: a multi-center study.
Academic Article Dilemmas in feeding infants with intestinal failure: a neonatologist's perspective.
Academic Article A Randomized Trial of an Exclusive Human Milk Diet in Neonates with Single Ventricle Physiology.
Academic Article Cholestasis impairs gut microbiota development and bile salt hydrolase activity in preterm neonates.
Academic Article A systematic review of associations between gut microbiota composition and growth failure in preterm neonates.
Academic Article Current Patterns of Probiotic Use in U.S. Neonatal Intensive Care Units: A Multi-Institution Survey.
Academic Article Preterm Pigs Fed Donor Human Milk Have Greater Liver ?-Carotene Concentrations than Pigs Fed Infant Formula.
Academic Article Early Fluid and Nutritional Management of Extremely Preterm Newborns During the Fetal-To-Neonatal Transition.
Academic Article Nutrient Composition of Donor Human Milk and Comparisons to Preterm Human Milk.
Academic Article Nutrition for Infants with Congenital Heart Disease.
Academic Article Cholestasis is associated with a higher rate of complications in both medical and surgical necrotizing enterocolitis.
Academic Article Fatty acid concentrations in preterm infants fed the exclusive human milk diet: a prospective cohort study.
Academic Article Human milk cream alters intestinal microbiome of preterm infants: a prospective cohort study.
Academic Article Nutrition and the gut-brain axis in neonatal brain injury and development.
Search Criteria
  • Neonate