Search Result Details

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to ATMAR, ROBERT
Item TypeName
Academic Article B-cell activation and differentiation by HIV-1 antigens among volunteers vaccinated with VaxSyn HIV-1.
Academic Article Infectious exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease associated with respiratory viruses and non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae.
Academic Article Safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity of Francisella tularensis live vaccine strain in humans.
Academic Article A dose-response evaluation of inactivated influenza vaccine given intranasally and intramuscularly to healthy young adults.
Academic Article Serological responses to experimental Norwalk virus infection measured using a quantitative duplex time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay.
Academic Article Antibody correlates and predictors of immunity to naturally occurring influenza in humans and the importance of antibody to the neuraminidase.
Academic Article High doses of purified influenza A virus hemagglutinin significantly augment serum and nasal secretion antibody responses in healthy young adults.
Academic Article Norwalk virus does not replicate in human macrophages or dendritic cells derived from the peripheral blood of susceptible humans.
Concept Immunoglobulin A
Concept Receptors, IgG
Concept Immunoglobulin A, Secretory
Concept Immunoglobulin M
Concept Immunoglobulin Fab Fragments
Concept Immunoglobulin G
Academic Article Robust mucosal-homing antibody-secreting B cell responses induced by intramuscular administration of adjuvanted bivalent human norovirus-like particle vaccine.
Academic Article Mucosal and Cellular Immune Responses to Norwalk Virus.
Academic Article Serological Correlates of Protection against a GII.4 Norovirus.
Academic Article Frequent Use of the IgA Isotype in Human B Cells Encoding Potent Norovirus-Specific Monoclonal Antibodies That Block HBGA Binding.
Academic Article Rapid Responses to 2 Virus-Like Particle Norovirus Vaccine Candidate Formulations in Healthy Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Academic Article Structural basis for norovirus neutralization by an HBGA blocking human IgA antibody.
Academic Article An Exploratory Study of the Salivary Immunoglobulin A Responses to 1 Dose of a Norovirus Virus-Like Particle Candidate Vaccine in Healthy Adults.
Academic Article A phase 1 study of the safety, reactogenicity, and immunogenicity of a Schistosoma mansoni vaccine with or without glucopyranosyl lipid A aqueous formulation (GLA-AF) in healthy adults from a non-endemic area.
Academic Article A randomized, controlled Phase 1b trial of the Sm-TSP-2 Vaccine for intestinal schistosomiasis in healthy Brazilian adults living in an endemic area.
Search Criteria
  • Immunoglobulin G