Search Result Details

This page shows the details of why an item matched the keywords from your search.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to COVERDALE, JOHN
Item TypeName
Academic Article Early detection and intervention for initial episodes of schizophrenia.
Academic Article AIDS and family planning counseling of psychiatrically ill women in community mental health clinics.
Academic Article Developing family planning services for female chronic mentally ill outpatients.
Academic Article Sexual and physical abuse of chronically ill psychiatric outpatients compared with a matched sample of medical outpatients.
Academic Article What is the role of procedural justice in civil commitment?
Academic Article Adolescent mental health: a review of preventive interventions.
Academic Article Caregivers' stresses when living together or apart from patients with chronic schizophrenia.
Academic Article A population-based cohort study of longer-term changes in health of car drivers involved in serious crashes.
Academic Article Knowledge about AIDS among women psychiatric outpatients.
Academic Article Lessons learned: a "homeless shelter intervention" by a medical student.
Academic Article Sexually transmitted disease prevention services for female chronically mentally ill patients.
Academic Article Best practice management strategies for mental health nurses during the clinical application of civil commitment: an overview.
Academic Article Global challenges and ethics in protecting and promoting the interests of psychiatrically ill patients.
Academic Article Are we heading into a workforce crisis?
Concept Mental Health Services
Concept Community Mental Health Centers
Concept Mental Health
Concept Community Mental Health Services
Academic Article Strengthening psychiatry's numbers.
Academic Article A residents' program for educating adolescents about mental health issues.
Academic Article Moving beyond community mental health: public mental health as an emerging focus for psychiatry residency training.
Academic Article Integrated Care in Community Settings and Psychiatric Training.
Academic Article College Mental Health: A Vulnerable Population in an Environment with Systemic Deficiencies.
Academic Article Opportunities and Challenges of Global Mental Health.
Academic Article Stigma and Mental Health: A Proposal for Next Steps.
Academic Article Towards a Definition of "Self-Neglect" in Psychiatric Patients: Descriptions of a Case Series.
Academic Article Identifying Human Trafficking Victims on a Psychiatry Inpatient Service: a Case Series.
Academic Article Psychiatry's Role in the Management of Human Trafficking Victims: An Integrated Care Approach.
Academic Article Current Trends in Psychiatric Education Among Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Programs.
Academic Article Rural Mental Health Training: an Emerging Imperative to Address Health Disparities.
Academic Article An Update on Trainee Wellness: Some Progress and a Long Way to Go.
Academic Article A Descriptive Study of United States-Based Human Trafficking Specialty Clinics.
Academic Article Climate Change and Risk of Completed Suicide.
Academic Article Supporting the Education of Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants in Meeting Shortages in Mental Health Care.
Academic Article Courage and Mental Health: Physicians and Physicians-in-Training Sharing Their Personal Narratives.
Academic Article Applications of Clinical Informatics to Child Mental Health Care: a Call to Action to Bridge Practice and Training.
Academic Article Climate Change and Mental Health Curricula: Addressing Barriers to Teaching.
Academic Article An Annotated Bibliography on Human Trafficking for the Mental Health Clinician.
Academic Article Strategies for healthcare professionals to identify and assist migrant children at risk of labour exploitation or trafficking.
Academic Article Addressing the Youth Mental Health Epidemic.
Academic Article Renewing the Teaching of Clinical Reasoning in Psychiatry: An Opportunity for Advancing Mental Health Training and Care.
Search Criteria
  • Mental Health