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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to WONG, WILLIAM
Item TypeName
Academic Article Caltrac versus calorimeter determination of 24-h energy expenditure in female children and adolescents.
Academic Article Energy requirements of women of reproductive age.
Academic Article Validation of cross-sectional time series and multivariate adaptive regression splines models for the prediction of energy expenditure in children and adolescents using doubly labeled water.
Academic Article Comparison of the doubly labeled water (2H2 18O) method with indirect calorimetry and a nutrient-balance study for simultaneous determination of energy expenditure, water intake, and metabolizable energy intake in preterm infants.
Academic Article Calorimetric validation of the doubly-labelled water method for determination of energy expenditure in man.
Concept Oxygen Consumption
Concept Oxygen Isotopes
Concept Oxygen Radioisotopes
Concept Oxygen
Academic Article The doubly labeled water method produces highly reproducible longitudinal results in nutrition studies.
Academic Article Estimation of neonatal body composition: isotope dilution versus total-body electrical conductivity.
Academic Article Mass spectrometric determination of dioxygen bond splitting in the "peroxy" intermediate of cytochrome c oxidase.
Academic Article Longitudinal changes in maternal serum leptin concentrations, body composition, and resting metabolic rate in pregnancy.
Academic Article Cholesterol synthesis and absorption by 2H2O and 18O-cholesterol and hypocholesterolemic effect of soy protein.
Academic Article Deuterium and oxygen-18 measurements on microliter samples of urine, plasma, saliva, and human milk.
Academic Article Oxygen isotope ratio measurements on carbon dioxide generated by reaction of microliter quantities of biological fluids with guanidine hydrochloride.
Academic Article Body water measurements in premature and older infants using H218O isotopic determinations.
Academic Article Evaluation of a dual mass spectrometer system for rapid simultaneous determination of hydrogen-2/hydrogen-1 and oxygen-18/oxygen-16 ratios in aqueous samples.
Academic Article Influence of body composition on physical activity validation studies using doubly labeled water.
Academic Article A review of techniques for the preparation of biological samples for mass-spectrometric measurements of hydrogen-2/hydrogen-1 and oxygen-18/oxygen-16 isotope ratios
Academic Article Inter laboratory analysis of reference water samples with deuterium and oxygen-18
Academic Article Accuracy of d(18)O isotope ratio measurements on the same sample by continuous-flow isotope-ratio mass spectrometry.
Academic Article Body composition among Sri Lankan infants by ?8O dilution method and the validity of anthropometric equations to predict body fat against ?8O dilution.
Academic Article 90th Anniversary Commentary: Measurement of Energy Expenditure in Free-Living Humans by Using Doubly Labeled Water.
Grant Thermo Electron DELTA V Advantage Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer
Academic Article The International Atomic Energy Agency International Doubly Labelled Water Database: Aims, Scope and Procedures.
Academic Article A standard calculation methodology for human doubly labeled water studies.
Academic Article Accuracy and Practical Considerations for Doubly Labeled Water Analysis in Nutrition Studies Using a Laser-Based Isotope Instrument (Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy).
Search Criteria
  • Oxygen