Search Result Details

This page shows the details of why an item matched the keywords from your search.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to FINE, PAUL
Item TypeName
Concept Malawi
Academic Article Trends in tuberculosis and the influence of HIV infection in northern Malawi, 1988-2001.
Academic Article What happens to ART-eligible patients who do not start ART? Dropout between screening and ART initiation: a cohort study in Karonga, Malawi.
Academic Article Estimating the extent of household contact misclassification with index cases of disease in longitudinal studies using a stochastic simulation model.
Academic Article The effect of BCG revaccination on all-cause mortality beyond infancy: 30-year follow-up of a population-based, double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled trial in Malawi.
Academic Article Profile: the Karonga Health and Demographic Surveillance System.
Academic Article The distribution and implications of BCG scars in northern Malawi.
Academic Article Mixture analysis of tuberculin survey data from northern Malawi and critique of the method.
Academic Article Preliminary appraisal of a WHO-recommended multiple drug regimen in paucibacillary leprosy patients in Malawi.
Academic Article Lymphatic filariasis in the Karonga district of northern Malawi: a prevalence survey.
Academic Article Tuberculin sensitivity: conversions and reversions in a rural African population.
Academic Article The epidemiology of pityriasis versicolor in Malawi, Africa.
Academic Article The Lepra Evaluation Project (LEP), an epidemiological study of leprosy in Northern Malawi. I. Methods.
Academic Article Leprosy in Malawi. 1. Sensitivity and specificity of the diagnosis and the search for risk factors for leprosy.
Academic Article Delayed-type hypersensitivity, mycobacterial vaccines and protective immunity.
Search Criteria
  • Malawi