Search Result Details

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to DOUGHERTY, PATRICK M
Item TypeName
Concept Morphine
Concept Morphine Dependence
Academic Article Neuroimmune intercommunication, central opioids, and the immune response to bacterial endotoxin.
Academic Article Noninvasive subthreshold auricular electrical stimulation reduces the severity of precipitated and abrupt opiate withdrawal.
Academic Article The immune system and opiate withdrawal.
Academic Article Evidence of neuro-immunologic interactions: cyclosporine modifies opiate withdrawal by effects on the brain and immune components.
Academic Article Intrathecal morphine in chronic pain management.
Academic Article The immune system and morphine dependence.
Academic Article Trans-cranial electrical stimulation attenuates the severity of naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal in rats.
Academic Article Differential modification of morphine and methadone dependence by interferon alpha.
Academic Article Participation of lymphoid cells in the withdrawal syndrome of opiate dependent rats.
Academic Article Opiate antinociception is altered by immunemodification: the effect of interferon, cyclosporine and radiation-induced immune suppression upon acute and long-term morphine activity.
Academic Article The effect of alpha-interferon, cyclosporine A, and radiation-induced immune suppression on morphine-induced hypothermia and tolerance.
Academic Article Cervicomedullary intrathecal injection of morphine produces antinociception in the orofacial formalin test in the rat.
Academic Article Microiontophoretic application of muramyl-dipeptide upon single cortical, hippocampal and hypothalamic neurons in rats.
Academic Article Trans-cranial electrical stimulation attenuates abrupt morphine withdrawal in rats assayed by remote computerized quantification of multiple motor behavior indices.
Academic Article Evidence of an immune system to brain communication axis that affects central opioid functions: muramyl peptides attenuate opiate withdrawal.
Academic Article Cyclosporine affects central nervous system opioid activity via direct and indirect means.
Academic Article Immune response products alter CNS activity: interferon modulates central opioid functions.
Academic Article Irradiation exposure modulates central opioid functions.
Search Criteria
  • Morphine