Search Result Details

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to PAN, ZHIZHONG Z
Item TypeName
Concept Morphine
Concept Morphine Dependence
Academic Article Emergence of functional delta-opioid receptors induced by long-term treatment with morphine.
Academic Article Differential responses of serotonergic and non-serotonergic neurons in nucleus raphe magnus to systemic morphine in rats.
Academic Article cAMP-mediated mechanisms for pain sensitization during opioid withdrawal.
Academic Article Synaptic mechanism for functional synergism between delta- and mu-opioid receptors.
Academic Article Signaling cascades for d-opioid receptor-mediated inhibition of GABA synaptic transmission and behavioral antinociception.
Academic Article Central amygdala GluA1 facilitates associative learning of opioid reward.
Academic Article Opioid actions on single nucleus raphe magnus neurons from rat and guinea-pig in vitro.
Academic Article Endogenous opioid-mediated inhibition of putative pain-modulating neurons in rat rostral ventromedial medulla.
Academic Article Opioid tolerance in adult and neonatal rats.
Academic Article Increased glutamate synaptic transmission in the nucleus raphe magnus neurons from morphine-tolerant rats.
Academic Article Contribution of brainstem GABA(A) synaptic transmission to morphine analgesic tolerance.
Academic Article Rewarding morphine-induced synaptic function of delta-opioid receptors on central glutamate synapses.
Academic Article Upregulation of nerve growth factor in central amygdala increases sensitivity to opioid reward.
Academic Article MeCP2 repression of G9a in regulation of pain and morphine reward.
Academic Article Nerve growth factor-regulated emergence of functional delta-opioid receptors.
Academic Article Persistent pain facilitates response to morphine reward by downregulation of central amygdala GABAergic function.
Academic Article Persistent pain maintains morphine-seeking behavior after morphine withdrawal through reduced MeCP2 repression of GluA1 in rat central amygdala.
Academic Article GluA1 in Central Amygdala Promotes Opioid Use and Reverses Inhibitory Effect of Pain.
Academic Article GluA1 in central amygdala increases pain but inhibits opioid withdrawal-induced aversion.
Search Criteria
  • Morphine