Search Result Details

This page shows the details of why an item matched the keywords from your search.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to COHEN, LORENZO
Item TypeName
Concept Yoga
Academic Article Psychological adjustment and sleep quality in a randomized trial of the effects of a Tibetan yoga intervention in patients with lymphoma.
Academic Article Yoga improves quality of life and benefit finding in women undergoing radiotherapy for breast cancer.
Academic Article Randomized, controlled trial of yoga in women with breast cancer undergoing radiotherapy.
Academic Article Couple-based Tibetan yoga program for lung cancer patients and their caregivers.
Academic Article Mind-body practices in cancer care.
Academic Article Vivekananda Yoga Program for Patients With Advanced Lung Cancer and Their Family Caregivers.
Academic Article Examining Mediators and Moderators of Yoga for Women With Breast Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy.
Academic Article Evidence supports incorporating yoga alongside conventional cancer treatment for women with breast cancer
Academic Article Randomized Controlled Trial of Yoga Among a Multiethnic Sample of Breast Cancer Patients
Academic Article Yoga with a Capital Y
Academic Article Vivekananda Yoga Program for Patients with Advanced Lung Cancer and Their Family Caregivers
Academic Article Review of yoga therapy during cancer treatment
Academic Article The Role of Yoga in Breast Cancer
Academic Article Examining Mediators and Moderators of Yoga for Women with Breast Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy
Academic Article Yoga Program for High-Grade Glioma Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy and Their Family Caregivers.
Academic Article Randomized trial of Tibetan yoga in patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy.
Academic Article Group Yoga Effects on Cancer Patient and Caregiver Symptom Distress: Assessment of Self-reported Symptoms at a Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Academic Article Dyadic yoga program for patients undergoing thoracic radiotherapy and their family caregivers: Results of a pilot randomized controlled trial.
Academic Article Review of yoga therapy during cancer treatment.
Academic Article Yoga for symptom management in oncology: A review of the evidence base and future directions for research.
Academic Article A research protocol for a pilot, randomized controlled trial designed to examine the feasibility of a dyadic versus individual yoga program for family caregivers of glioma patients undergoing radiotherapy.
Academic Article The Effects of Yoga in Helping Cancer Patients and Caregivers Manage the Stress of a Natural Disaster: A Brief Report on Hurricane Harvey.
Academic Article Pilot randomized, controlled trial of a dyadic yoga program for glioma patients undergoing radiotherapy and their family caregivers.
Academic Article Yoga-Based Breathing Techniques for Health Care Workers During COVID-19 Pandemic: Interests, Feasibility, and Acceptance.
Academic Article Sleep moderates the effects of Tibetan yoga for women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy.
Academic Article Yoga Therapy in Cancer Care via Telehealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Academic Article Dyadic versus individual delivery of a yoga program for family caregivers of glioma patients undergoing radiotherapy: Results of a 3-arm randomized controlled trial.
Academic Article The Role of Coping and Posttraumatic Stress in Fostering Posttraumatic Growth and Quality of Life Among Women with Breast Cancer.
Academic Article Dyadic Yoga for Head and Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemoradiation and their Family Caregivers.
Search Criteria
  • Yoga