Search Result Details

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to PAN, HUI-LIN
Item TypeName
Concept Morphine
Academic Article Antinociceptive effect of morphine, but not mu opioid receptor number, is attenuated in the spinal cord of diabetic rats.
Academic Article Hypersensitivity of spinothalamic tract neurons associated with diabetic neuropathic pain in rats.
Academic Article Effect of morphine on deep dorsal horn projection neurons depends on spinal GABAergic and glycinergic tone: implications for reduced opioid effect in neuropathic pain.
Academic Article Intravenous morphine increases release of nitric oxide from spinal cord by an alpha-adrenergic and cholinergic mechanism.
Academic Article Spinal endogenous acetylcholine contributes to the analgesic effect of systemic morphine in rats.
Academic Article Differential sensitivity of N- and P/Q-type Ca2+ channel currents to a mu opioid in isolectin B4-positive and -negative dorsal root ganglion neurons.
Academic Article Systemic morphine inhibits dorsal horn projection neurons through spinal cholinergic system independent of descending pathways.
Academic Article Loss of TRPV1-expressing sensory neurons reduces spinal mu opioid receptors but paradoxically potentiates opioid analgesia.
Academic Article Chronic opioid potentiates presynaptic but impairs postsynaptic N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor activity in spinal cords: implications for opioid hyperalgesia and tolerance.
Academic Article Spinal nitric oxide mediates antinociception from intravenous morphine.
Academic Article Chronic intrathecal morphine administration produces homologous mu receptor/G-protein desensitization specifically in spinal cord.
Academic Article Resistance to morphine analgesic tolerance in rats with deleted transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1-expressing sensory neurons.
Academic Article ?-Opioid receptors in primary sensory neurons are essential for opioid analgesic effect on acute and inflammatory pain and opioid-induced hyperalgesia.
Academic Article Mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling mediates opioid-induced presynaptic NMDA receptor activation and analgesic tolerance.
Academic Article a2d-1-Bound N-Methyl-D-aspartate Receptors Mediate Morphine-induced Hyperalgesia and Analgesic Tolerance by Potentiating Glutamatergic Input in Rodents.
Academic Article ?-Opioid receptors in primary sensory neurons are involved in supraspinal opioid analgesia.
Academic Article Brief Opioid Exposure Paradoxically Augments Primary Afferent Input to Spinal Excitatory Neurons via a2d-1-Dependent Presynaptic NMDA Receptors.
Academic Article d-Opioid receptors in primary sensory neurons tonically restrain nociceptive input in chronic pain but do not enhance morphine analgesic tolerance.
Academic Article a2d-1 protein drives opioid-induced conditioned reward and synaptic NMDA receptor hyperactivity in the nucleus accumbens.
Academic Article mGluR5 from Primary Sensory Neurons Promotes Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia and Tolerance by Interacting with and Potentiating Synaptic NMDA Receptors.
Search Criteria
  • Morphine