InstitutionMD Anderson
DepartmentCancer Biology
Address1881 East Road
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    Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.
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    PMC Citations indicate the number of times the publication was cited by articles in PubMed Central, and the Altmetric score represents citations in news articles and social media. (Note that publications are often cited in additional ways that are not shown here.) Fields are based on how the National Library of Medicine (NLM) classifies the publication's journal and might not represent the specific topic of the publication. Translation tags are based on the publication type and the MeSH terms NLM assigns to the publication. Some publications (especially newer ones and publications not in PubMed) might not yet be assigned Field or Translation tags.) Click a Field or Translation tag to filter the publications.
    1. Varkaris A, Corn PG, Parikh NU, Efstathiou E, Song JH, Lee YC, Aparicio A, Hoang AG, Gaur S, Thorpe L, Maity SN, Bar Eli M, Czerniak BA, Shao Y, Alauddin M, Lin SH, Logothetis CJ, Gallick GE. Integrating Murine and Clinical Trials with Cabozantinib to Understand Roles of MET and VEGFR2 as Targets for Growth Inhibition of Prostate Cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2016 Jan 01; 22(1):107-21. PMID: 26272062; PMCID: PMC4703437.
      Citations: 27     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    2. Izraely S, Sagi-Assif O, Klein A, Meshel T, Ben-Menachem S, Zaritsky A, Ehrlich M, Prieto VG, Bar-Eli M, Pirker C, Berger W, Nahmias C, Couraud PO, Hoon DS, Witz IP. The metastatic microenvironment: Claudin-1 suppresses the malignant phenotype of melanoma brain metastasis. Int J Cancer. 2015 Mar 15; 136(6):1296-307. PMID: 25046141.
      Citations: 20     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    3. Dalton HJ, Armaiz-Pena GN, Gonzalez-Villasana V, Lopez-Berestein G, Bar-Eli M, Sood AK. Monocyte subpopulations in angiogenesis. Cancer Res. 2014 Mar 01; 74(5):1287-93. PMID: 24556724; PMCID: PMC4040005.
      Citations: 23     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    4. Braeuer RR, Watson IR, Wu CJ, Mobley AK, Kamiya T, Shoshan E, Bar-Eli M. Why is melanoma so metastatic? Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 2014 Jan; 27(1):19-36. PMID: 24106873.
      Citations: 43     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimals
    5. Nemlich Y, Greenberg E, Ortenberg R, Besser MJ, Barshack I, Jacob-Hirsch J, Jacoby E, Eyal E, Rivkin L, Prieto VG, Chakravarti N, Duncan LM, Kallenberg DM, Galun E, Bennett DC, Amariglio N, Bar-Eli M, Schachter J, Rechavi G, Markel G. MicroRNA-mediated loss of ADAR1 in metastatic melanoma promotes tumor growth. J Clin Invest. 2013 Jun; 123(6):2703-18. PMID: 23728176; PMCID: PMC3668823.
      Citations: 84     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    6. Reuveni H, Flashner-Abramson E, Steiner L, Makedonski K, Song R, Shir A, Herlyn M, Bar-Eli M, Levitzki A. Therapeutic destruction of insulin receptor substrates for cancer treatment. Cancer Res. 2013 Jul 15; 73(14):4383-94. PMID: 23651636; PMCID: PMC4391644.
      Citations: 61     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    7. Moreno-Smith M, Halder JB, Meltzer PS, Gonda TA, Mangala LS, Rupaimoole R, Lu C, Nagaraja AS, Gharpure KM, Kang Y, Rodriguez-Aguayo C, Vivas-Mejia PE, Zand B, Schmandt R, Wang H, Langley RR, Jennings NB, Ivan C, Coffin JE, Armaiz GN, Bottsford-Miller J, Kim SB, Halleck MS, Hendrix MJ, Bornman W, Bar-Eli M, Lee JS, Siddik ZH, Lopez-Berestein G, Sood AK. ATP11B mediates platinum resistance in ovarian cancer. J Clin Invest. 2013 May; 123(5):2119-30. PMID: 23585472; PMCID: PMC3635722.
      Citations: 28     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    8. Kamiya T, Mobley AK, Bar-Eli M. Crossing the junction in the gap of melanoma brain metastasis. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 2013 Jul; 26(4):435-7. PMID: 23923820.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    9. Armaiz-Pena GN, Allen JK, Cruz A, Stone RL, Nick AM, Lin YG, Han LY, Mangala LS, Villares GJ, Vivas-Mejia P, Rodriguez-Aguayo C, Nagaraja AS, Gharpure KM, Wu Z, English RD, Soman KV, Shahzad MM, Shazhad MM, Zigler M, Deavers MT, Zien A, Soldatos TG, Jackson DB, Wiktorowicz JE, Torres-Lugo M, Young T, De Geest K, Gallick GE, Bar-Eli M, Lopez-Berestein G, Cole SW, Lopez GE, Lutgendorf SK, Sood AK. Src activation by ?-adrenoreceptors is a key switch for tumour metastasis. Nat Commun. 2013; 4:1403. PMID: 23360994; PMCID: PMC3561638.
      Citations: 98     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    10. Mobley AK, Braeuer RR, Kamiya T, Shoshan E, Bar-Eli M. Driving transcriptional regulators in melanoma metastasis. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 2012 Dec; 31(3-4):621-32. PMID: 22684365.
      Citations: 25     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    11. Braeuer RR, Zigler M, Kamiya T, Dobroff AS, Huang L, Choi W, McConkey DJ, Shoshan E, Mobley AK, Song R, Raz A, Bar-Eli M. Galectin-3 contributes to melanoma growth and metastasis via regulation of NFAT1 and autotaxin. Cancer Res. 2012 Nov 15; 72(22):5757-66. PMID: 22986745; PMCID: PMC3500452.
      Citations: 34     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    12. Braeuer RR, Shoshan E, Kamiya T, Bar-Eli M. The sweet and bitter sides of galectins in melanoma progression. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 2012 Sep; 25(5):592-601. PMID: 22672152.
      Citations: 15     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    13. Bar-Eli M. Back to the embryonic stage: Nodal as a biomarker for breast cancer progression. Breast Cancer Res. 2012 May 21; 14(3):105. PMID: 22643182; PMCID: PMC3446330.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    14. Mu H, Calderone TL, Davies MA, Prieto VG, Wang H, Mills GB, Bar-Eli M, Gershenwald JE. Lysophosphatidic acid induces lymphangiogenesis and IL-8 production in vitro in human lymphatic endothelial cells. Am J Pathol. 2012 May; 180(5):2170-81. PMID: 22465753; PMCID: PMC3349835.
      Citations: 13     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    15. Zigler M, Kamiya T, Brantley EC, Villares GJ, Bar-Eli M. PAR-1 and thrombin: the ties that bind the microenvironment to melanoma metastasis. Cancer Res. 2011 Nov 01; 71(21):6561-6. PMID: 22009534; PMCID: PMC3206157.
      Citations: 38     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    16. Patel SP, Kim KB, Papadopoulos NE, Hwu WJ, Hwu P, Prieto VG, Bar-Eli M, Zigler M, Dobroff A, Bronstein Y, Bassett RL, Vardeleon AG, Bedikian AY. A phase II study of gefitinib in patients with metastatic melanoma. Melanoma Res. 2011 Aug; 21(4):357-63. PMID: 21738104; PMCID: PMC3132394.
      Citations: 21     Fields:    Translation:HumansCTClinical Trials
    17. Bar-Eli M. Searching for the 'melano-miRs': miR-214 drives melanoma metastasis. EMBO J. 2011 May 18; 30(10):1880-1. PMID: 21593728; PMCID: PMC3098491.
      Citations: 20     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    18. Han HD, Mora EM, Roh JW, Nishimura M, Lee SJ, Stone RL, Bar-Eli M, Lopez-Berestein G, Sood AK. Chitosan hydrogel for localized gene silencing. Cancer Biol Ther. 2011 May 01; 11(9):839-45. PMID: 21358280; PMCID: PMC3100632.
      Citations: 32     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    19. Zigler M, Villares GJ, Dobroff AS, Wang H, Huang L, Braeuer RR, Kamiya T, Melnikova VO, Song R, Friedman R, Alani RM, Bar-Eli M. Expression of Id-1 is regulated by MCAM/MUC18: a missing link in melanoma progression. Cancer Res. 2011 May 15; 71(10):3494-504. PMID: 21467165; PMCID: PMC3096710.
      Citations: 22     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    20. Villares GJ, Zigler M, Bar-Eli M. The emerging role of the thrombin receptor (PAR-1) in melanoma metastasis--a possible therapeutic target. Oncotarget. 2011 Jan-Feb; 2(1-2):8-17. PMID: 21378407; PMCID: PMC3248147.
      Citations: 23     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    21. Villares GJ, Zigler M, Dobroff AS, Wang H, Song R, Melnikova VO, Huang L, Braeuer RR, Bar-Eli M. Protease activated receptor-1 inhibits the Maspin tumor-suppressor gene to determine the melanoma metastatic phenotype. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Jan 11; 108(2):626-31. PMID: 21187389; PMCID: PMC3021062.
      Citations: 20     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    22. Black PC, Brown GA, Dinney CP, Kassouf W, Inamoto T, Arora A, Gallagher D, Munsell MF, Bar-Eli M, McConkey DJ, Adam L. Receptor heterodimerization: a new mechanism for platelet-derived growth factor induced resistance to anti-epidermal growth factor receptor therapy for bladder cancer. J Urol. 2011 Feb; 185(2):693-700. PMID: 21168861.
      Citations: 11     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    23. Braeuer RR, Zigler M, Villares GJ, Dobroff AS, Bar-Eli M. Transcriptional control of melanoma metastasis: the importance of the tumor microenvironment. Semin Cancer Biol. 2011 Apr; 21(2):83-8. PMID: 21147226; PMCID: PMC3049824.
      Citations: 43     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimals
    24. Abdel-Malek Z, Bar-Eli M. Estela Medrano, 1943-2010. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 2010 Dec; 23(6):724. PMID: 20973929.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    25. Shahzad MM, Arevalo JM, Armaiz-Pena GN, Lu C, Stone RL, Moreno-Smith M, Nishimura M, Lee JW, Jennings NB, Bottsford-Miller J, Vivas-Mejia P, Lutgendorf SK, Lopez-Berestein G, Bar-Eli M, Cole SW, Sood AK. Stress effects on FosB- and interleukin-8 (IL8)-driven ovarian cancer growth and metastasis. J Biol Chem. 2010 Nov 12; 285(46):35462-70. PMID: 20826776; PMCID: PMC2975170.
      Citations: 82     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    26. Lin Q, Balasubramanian K, Fan D, Kim SJ, Guo L, Wang H, Bar-Eli M, Aldape KD, Fidler IJ. Reactive astrocytes protect melanoma cells from chemotherapy by sequestering intracellular calcium through gap junction communication channels. Neoplasia. 2010 Sep; 12(9):748-54. PMID: 20824051; PMCID: PMC2933695.
      Citations: 101     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    27. Melnikova VO, Dobroff AS, Zigler M, Villares GJ, Braeuer RR, Wang H, Huang L, Bar-Eli M. CREB inhibits AP-2alpha expression to regulate the malignant phenotype of melanoma. PLoS One. 2010 Aug 27; 5(8):e12452. PMID: 20805990; PMCID: PMC2929203.
      Citations: 28     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    28. Zigler M, Dobroff AS, Bar-Eli M. Cell adhesion: implication in tumor progression. Minerva Med. 2010 Jun; 101(3):149-62. PMID: 20562803.
      Citations: 13     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    29. Merritt WM, Bar-Eli M, Sood AK. The dicey role of Dicer: implications for RNAi therapy. Cancer Res. 2010 Apr 01; 70(7):2571-4. PMID: 20179193; PMCID: PMC3170915.
      Citations: 31     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimals
    30. Yang J, Price MA, Li GY, Bar-Eli M, Salgia R, Jagedeeswaran R, Carlson JH, Ferrone S, Turley EA, McCarthy JB. Melanoma proteoglycan modifies gene expression to stimulate tumor cell motility, growth, and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Cancer Res. 2009 Oct 01; 69(19):7538-47. PMID: 19738072; PMCID: PMC2762355.
      Citations: 44     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    31. Melnikova VO, Balasubramanian K, Villares GJ, Dobroff AS, Zigler M, Wang H, Petersson F, Price JE, Schroit A, Prieto VG, Hung MC, Bar-Eli M. Crosstalk between protease-activated receptor 1 and platelet-activating factor receptor regulates melanoma cell adhesion molecule (MCAM/MUC18) expression and melanoma metastasis. J Biol Chem. 2009 Oct 16; 284(42):28845-55. PMID: 19703903; PMCID: PMC2781430.
      Citations: 45     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    32. Villares GJ, Dobroff AS, Wang H, Zigler M, Melnikova VO, Huang L, Bar-Eli M. Overexpression of protease-activated receptor-1 contributes to melanoma metastasis via regulation of connexin 43. Cancer Res. 2009 Aug 15; 69(16):6730-7. PMID: 19679555; PMCID: PMC2727665.
      Citations: 29     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    33. Adam L, Zhong M, Choi W, Qi W, Nicoloso M, Arora A, Calin G, Wang H, Siefker-Radtke A, McConkey D, Bar-Eli M, Dinney C. miR-200 expression regulates epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in bladder cancer cells and reverses resistance to epidermal growth factor receptor therapy. Clin Cancer Res. 2009 Aug 15; 15(16):5060-72. PMID: 19671845; PMCID: PMC5938624.
      Citations: 224     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    34. Dobroff AS, Wang H, Melnikova VO, Villares GJ, Zigler M, Huang L, Bar-Eli M. Silencing cAMP-response element-binding protein (CREB) identifies CYR61 as a tumor suppressor gene in melanoma. J Biol Chem. 2009 Sep 18; 284(38):26194-206. PMID: 19632997; PMCID: PMC2758018.
      Citations: 43     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    35. Melnikova VO, Bar-Eli M. Inflammation and melanoma metastasis. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 2009 Jun; 22(3):257-67. PMID: 19368690.
      Citations: 34     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    36. Merritt WM, Lin YG, Han LY, Kamat AA, Spannuth WA, Schmandt R, Urbauer D, Pennacchio LA, Cheng JF, Nick AM, Deavers MT, Mourad-Zeidan A, Wang H, Mueller P, Lenburg ME, Gray JW, Mok S, Birrer MJ, Lopez-Berestein G, Coleman RL, Bar-Eli M, Sood AK. Dicer, Drosha, and outcomes in patients with ovarian cancer. N Engl J Med. 2008 Dec 18; 359(25):2641-50. PMID: 19092150; PMCID: PMC2710981.
      Citations: 348     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    37. Mourad-Zeidan AA, Melnikova VO, Wang H, Raz A, Bar-Eli M. Expression profiling of Galectin-3-depleted melanoma cells reveals its major role in melanoma cell plasticity and vasculogenic mimicry. Am J Pathol. 2008 Dec; 173(6):1839-52. PMID: 18988806; PMCID: PMC2626394.
      Citations: 46     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    38. Villares GJ, Zigler M, Wang H, Melnikova VO, Wu H, Friedman R, Leslie MC, Vivas-Mejia PE, Lopez-Berestein G, Sood AK, Bar-Eli M. Targeting melanoma growth and metastasis with systemic delivery of liposome-incorporated protease-activated receptor-1 small interfering RNA. Cancer Res. 2008 Nov 01; 68(21):9078-86. PMID: 18974154; PMCID: PMC2597081.
      Citations: 78     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    39. Staquicini FI, Tandle A, Libutti SK, Sun J, Zigler M, Bar-Eli M, Aliperti F, Gershenwald JE, Mariano M, Pasqualini R, Arap W, P?rez EC, Lopes JD. A subset of host B lymphocytes controls melanoma metastasis through a melanoma cell adhesion molecule/MUC18-dependent interaction: evidence from mice and humans. Cancer Res. 2008 Oct 15; 68(20):8419-28. PMID: 18922915; PMCID: PMC2718575.
      Citations: 30     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    40. Kim KB, Eton O, Davis DW, Frazier ML, McConkey DJ, Diwan AH, Papadopoulos NE, Bedikian AY, Camacho LH, Ross MI, Cormier JN, Gershenwald JE, Lee JE, Mansfield PF, Billings LA, Ng CS, Charnsangavej C, Bar-Eli M, Johnson MM, Murgo AJ, Prieto VG. Phase II trial of imatinib mesylate in patients with metastatic melanoma. Br J Cancer. 2008 Sep 02; 99(5):734-40. PMID: 18728664; PMCID: PMC2528157.
      Citations: 63     Fields:    Translation:HumansCellsCTClinical Trials
    41. Kassouf W, Brown GA, Black PC, Fisher MB, Inamoto T, Luongo T, Gallagher D, Bar-Eli M, McConkey DJ, Adam L, Dinney CP. Is vascular endothelial growth factor modulation a predictor of the therapeutic efficacy of gefitinib for bladder cancer? J Urol. 2008 Sep; 180(3):1146-53. PMID: 18639280; PMCID: PMC5190512.
      Citations: 2     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    42. Melnikova VO, Bar-Eli M. Transcriptional control of the melanoma malignant phenotype. Cancer Biol Ther. 2008 Jul; 7(7):997-1003. PMID: 18698165.
      Citations: 29     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    43. Majewski T, Lee S, Jeong J, Yoon DS, Kram A, Kim MS, Tuziak T, Bondaruk J, Lee S, Park WS, Tang KS, Chung W, Shen L, Ahmed SS, Johnston DA, Grossman HB, Dinney CP, Zhou JH, Harris RA, Snyder C, Filipek S, Narod SA, Watson P, Lynch HT, Gazdar A, Bar-Eli M, Wu XF, McConkey DJ, Baggerly K, Issa JP, Benedict WF, Scherer SE, Czerniak B. Understanding the development of human bladder cancer by using a whole-organ genomic mapping strategy. Lab Invest. 2008 Jul; 88(7):694-721. PMID: 18458673; PMCID: PMC2849658.
      Citations: 24     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    44. Kuwai T, Nakamura T, Sasaki T, Kim SJ, Fan D, Villares GJ, Zigler M, Wang H, Bar-Eli M, Kerbel RS, Fidler IJ. Phosphorylated epidermal growth factor receptor on tumor-associated endothelial cells is a primary target for therapy with tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Neoplasia. 2008 May; 10(5):489-500. PMID: 18472966; PMCID: PMC2373870.
      Citations: 22     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    45. Lu C, Shahzad MM, Wang H, Landen CN, Kim SW, Allen J, Nick AM, Jennings N, Kinch MS, Bar-Eli M, Sood AK. EphA2 overexpression promotes ovarian cancer growth. Cancer Biol Ther. 2008 Jul; 7(7):1098-103. PMID: 18443431; PMCID: PMC2705979.
      Citations: 36     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    46. Black PC, Brown GA, Inamoto T, Shrader M, Arora A, Siefker-Radtke AO, Adam L, Theodorescu D, Wu X, Munsell MF, Bar-Eli M, McConkey DJ, Dinney CP. Sensitivity to epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor requires E-cadherin expression in urothelial carcinoma cells. Clin Cancer Res. 2008 Mar 01; 14(5):1478-86. PMID: 18316572.
      Citations: 45     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    47. Merritt WM, Lin YG, Spannuth WA, Fletcher MS, Kamat AA, Han LY, Landen CN, Jennings N, De Geest K, Langley RR, Villares G, Sanguino A, Lutgendorf SK, Lopez-Berestein G, Bar-Eli MM, Sood AK. Effect of interleukin-8 gene silencing with liposome-encapsulated small interfering RNA on ovarian cancer cell growth. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2008 Mar 05; 100(5):359-72. PMID: 18314475; PMCID: PMC2770251.
      Citations: 103     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    48. Melnikova VO, Villares GJ, Bar-Eli M. Emerging roles of PAR-1 and PAFR in melanoma metastasis. Cancer Microenviron. 2008 Dec; 1(1):103-11. PMID: 19308689; PMCID: PMC2654348.
      Citations: 20     
    49. Ban K, Gao Y, Amin HM, Howard A, Miller C, Lin Q, Leng X, Munsell M, Bar-Eli M, Arlinghaus RB, Chandra J. BCR-ABL1 mediates up-regulation of Fyn in chronic myelogenous leukemia. Blood. 2008 Mar 01; 111(5):2904-8. PMID: 18180382; PMCID: PMC2254539.
      Citations: 25     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    50. Zigler M, Villares GJ, Lev DC, Melnikova VO, Bar-Eli M. Tumor immunotherapy in melanoma: strategies for overcoming mechanisms of resistance and escape. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2008; 9(5):307-11. PMID: 18717605.
      Citations: 26     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    51. Melnikova V, Bar-Eli M. Inflammation and melanoma growth and metastasis: the role of platelet-activating factor (PAF) and its receptor. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 2007 Dec; 26(3-4):359-71. PMID: 17721743.
      Citations: 38     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    52. Kassouf W, Black PC, Tuziak T, Bondaruk J, Lee S, Brown GA, Adam L, Wei C, Baggerly K, Bar-Eli M, McConkey D, Czerniak B, Dinney CP. Distinctive expression pattern of ErbB family receptors signifies an aggressive variant of bladder cancer. J Urol. 2008 Jan; 179(1):353-8. PMID: 18006009; PMCID: PMC2680144.
      Citations: 31     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    53. Bar-Eli M. The HOG-GLI face of melanoma. Pigment Cell Res. 2007 Oct; 20(5):341-2. PMID: 17850506.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    54. Lee S, Jeong J, Majewski T, Scherer SE, Kim MS, Tuziak T, Tang KS, Baggerly K, Grossman HB, Zhou JH, Shen L, Bondaruk J, Ahmed SS, Samanta S, Spiess P, Wu X, Filipek S, McConkey D, Bar-Eli M, Issa JP, Benedict WF, Czerniak B. Forerunner genes contiguous to RB1 contribute to the development of in situ neoplasia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Aug 21; 104(34):13732-7. PMID: 17702869; PMCID: PMC1949496.
      Citations: 21     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    55. Melnikova VO, Bar-Eli M. Searching for the Achilles' heel of melanoma cells: new treatment modalities. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 2008 Oct; 21(5):505-6. PMID: 18713130.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimals
    56. Villares GJ, Zigler M, Blehm K, Bogdan C, McConkey D, Colin D, Bar-Eli M. Targeting EGFR in bladder cancer. World J Urol. 2007 Dec; 25(6):573-9. PMID: 17690890.
      Citations: 18     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    57. Schwartz B, Shoseyov O, Melnikova VO, McCarty M, Leslie M, Roiz L, Smirnoff P, Hu GF, Lev D, Bar-Eli M. ACTIBIND, a T2 RNase, competes with angiogenin and inhibits human melanoma growth, angiogenesis, and metastasis. Cancer Res. 2007 Jun 01; 67(11):5258-66. PMID: 17545605.
      Citations: 21     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    58. Lopez-Bergami P, Huang C, Goydos JS, Yip D, Bar-Eli M, Herlyn M, Smalley KS, Mahale A, Eroshkin A, Aaronson S, Ronai Z. Rewired ERK-JNK signaling pathways in melanoma. Cancer Cell. 2007 May; 11(5):447-60. PMID: 17482134; PMCID: PMC1978100.
      Citations: 131     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    59. Shields JM, Thomas NE, Cregger M, Berger AJ, Leslie M, Torrice C, Hao H, Penland S, Arbiser J, Scott G, Zhou T, Bar-Eli M, Bear JE, Der CJ, Kaufmann WK, Rimm DL, Sharpless NE. Lack of extracellular signal-regulated kinase mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling shows a new type of melanoma. Cancer Res. 2007 Feb 15; 67(4):1502-12. PMID: 17308088.
      Citations: 45     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    60. Shrader M, Pino MS, Lashinger L, Bar-Eli M, Adam L, Dinney CP, McConkey DJ. Gefitinib reverses TRAIL resistance in human bladder cancer cell lines via inhibition of AKT-mediated X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein expression. Cancer Res. 2007 Feb 15; 67(4):1430-5. PMID: 17308080.
      Citations: 37     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    61. Schwartz B, Melnikova VO, Tellez C, Mourad-Zeidan A, Blehm K, Zhao YJ, McCarty M, Adam L, Bar-Eli M. Loss of AP-2alpha results in deregulation of E-cadherin and MMP-9 and an increase in tumorigenicity of colon cancer cells in vivo. Oncogene. 2007 Jun 14; 26(28):4049-58. PMID: 17224907.
      Citations: 29     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    62. Shrader M, Pino MS, Brown G, Black P, Adam L, Bar-Eli M, Dinney CP, McConkey DJ. Molecular correlates of gefitinib responsiveness in human bladder cancer cells. Mol Cancer Ther. 2007 Jan; 6(1):277-85. PMID: 17237287.
      Citations: 24     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    63. De Clerck YA, Weissman BE, Yu D, Parsons R, Bar-Eli M, Roy-Burman P, Seewaldt VL, Cress AE, Languino LR, Batra SK, Tang CK, Sheng S, Chen WT, Chellappan S, Cheng SY, Ladisch S, McCarthy JB, Coussens LM, Cohen MB. Tumor progression and metastasis from genetic to microenvironmental determinants: a workshop of the tumor progression and metastasis NIH study section in honor of Dr. Martin L. Padarathsingh, May 31, 2006, Georgetown, Washington, DC. Cancer Biol Ther. 2006 Dec; 5(12):1588-99. PMID: 17224636.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimals
    64. Prieto VG, Mourad-Zeidan AA, Melnikova V, Johnson MM, Lopez A, Diwan AH, Lazar AJ, Shen SS, Zhang PS, Reed JA, Gershenwald JE, Raz A, Bar-Eli M. Galectin-3 expression is associated with tumor progression and pattern of sun exposure in melanoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2006 Nov 15; 12(22):6709-15. PMID: 17121890.
      Citations: 32     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    65. Leslie MC, Zhao YJ, Lachman LB, Hwu P, Wu GJ, Bar-Eli M. Immunization against MUC18/MCAM, a novel antigen that drives melanoma invasion and metastasis. Gene Ther. 2007 Feb; 14(4):316-23. PMID: 17024104.
      Citations: 25     Fields:    Translation:AnimalsCells
    66. Melnikova VO, Bar-Eli M. Bioimmunotherapy for melanoma using fully human antibodies targeting MCAM/MUC18 and IL-8. Pigment Cell Res. 2006 Oct; 19(5):395-405. PMID: 16965268.
      Citations: 37     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimals
    67. Mitchell DC, Stafford LJ, Li D, Bar-Eli M, Liu M. Transcriptional regulation of KiSS-1 gene expression in metastatic melanoma by specificity protein-1 and its coactivator DRIP-130. Oncogene. 2007 Mar 15; 26(12):1739-47. PMID: 16964286.
      Citations: 23     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    68. Tellez CS, Davis DW, Prieto VG, Gershenwald JE, Johnson MM, McCarty MF, Bar-Eli M. Quantitative analysis of melanocytic tissue array reveals inverse correlation between activator protein-2alpha and protease-activated receptor-1 expression during melanoma progression. J Invest Dermatol. 2007 Feb; 127(2):387-93. PMID: 16946713.
      Citations: 22     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    69. Blehm KN, Spiess PE, Bondaruk JE, Dujka ME, Villares GJ, Zhao YJ, Bogler O, Aldape KD, Grossman HB, Adam L, McConkey DJ, Czerniak BA, Dinney CP, Bar-Eli M. Mutations within the kinase domain and truncations of the epidermal growth factor receptor are rare events in bladder cancer: implications for therapy. Clin Cancer Res. 2006 Aug 01; 12(15):4671-7. PMID: 16899617.
      Citations: 26     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    70. Roiz L, Smirnoff P, Bar-Eli M, Schwartz B, Shoseyov O. ACTIBIND, an actin-binding fungal T2-RNase with antiangiogenic and anticarcinogenic characteristics. Cancer. 2006 May 15; 106(10):2295-308. PMID: 16586499.
      Citations: 23     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    71. Berger AJ, Davis DW, Tellez C, Prieto VG, Gershenwald JE, Johnson MM, Rimm DL, Bar-Eli M. Automated quantitative analysis of activator protein-2alpha subcellular expression in melanoma tissue microarrays correlates with survival prediction. Cancer Res. 2005 Dec 01; 65(23):11185-92. PMID: 16322269.
      Citations: 29     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    72. Melnikova VO, Mourad-Zeidan AA, Lev DC, Bar-Eli M. Platelet-activating factor mediates MMP-2 expression and activation via phosphorylation of cAMP-response element-binding protein and contributes to melanoma metastasis. J Biol Chem. 2006 Feb 03; 281(5):2911-22. PMID: 16306050.
      Citations: 50     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    73. Kassouf W, Dinney CP, Brown G, McConkey DJ, Diehl AJ, Bar-Eli M, Adam L. Uncoupling between epidermal growth factor receptor and downstream signals defines resistance to the antiproliferative effect of Gefitinib in bladder cancer cells. Cancer Res. 2005 Nov 15; 65(22):10524-35. PMID: 16288045.
      Citations: 25     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    74. Mitchell DC, Abdelrahim M, Weng J, Stafford LJ, Safe S, Bar-Eli M, Liu M. Regulation of KiSS-1 metastasis suppressor gene expression in breast cancer cells by direct interaction of transcription factors activator protein-2alpha and specificity protein-1. J Biol Chem. 2006 Jan 06; 281(1):51-8. PMID: 16260418.
      Citations: 26     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    75. Bales E, Mills L, Milam N, McGahren-Murray M, Bandyopadhyay D, Chen D, Reed JA, Timchenko N, van den Oord JJ, Bar-Eli M, Keyomarsi K, Medrano EE. The low molecular weight cyclin E isoforms augment angiogenesis and metastasis of human melanoma cells in vivo. Cancer Res. 2005 Feb 01; 65(3):692-7. PMID: 15705861.
      Citations: 30     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimals
    76. Heimberger AB, McGary EC, Suki D, Ruiz M, Wang H, Fuller GN, Bar-Eli M. Loss of the AP-2alpha transcription factor is associated with the grade of human gliomas. Clin Cancer Res. 2005 Jan 01; 11(1):267-72. PMID: 15671555.
      Citations: 26     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    77. Emdad L, Sarkar D, Su ZZ, Boukerche H, Bar-Eli M, Fisher PB. Progression elevated gene-3 (PEG-3) induces pleiotropic effects on tumor progression: modulation of genomic stability and invasion. J Cell Physiol. 2005 Jan; 202(1):135-46. PMID: 15389539.
      Citations: 8     Fields:    Translation:AnimalsCells
    78. Leslie MC, Bar-Eli M. Regulation of gene expression in melanoma: new approaches for treatment. J Cell Biochem. 2005 Jan 01; 94(1):25-38. PMID: 15523674.
      Citations: 22     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    79. Chelouche-Lev D, Miller CP, Tellez C, Ruiz M, Bar-Eli M, Price JE. Different signalling pathways regulate VEGF and IL-8 expression in breast cancer: implications for therapy. Eur J Cancer. 2004 Nov; 40(16):2509-18. PMID: 15519527.
      Citations: 13     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    80. Hazarika P, McCarty MF, Prieto VG, George S, Babu D, Koul D, Bar-Eli M, Duvic M. Up-regulation of Flotillin-2 is associated with melanoma progression and modulates expression of the thrombin receptor protease activated receptor 1. Cancer Res. 2004 Oct 15; 64(20):7361-9. PMID: 15492257.
      Citations: 47     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    81. Tellez C, Jean D, Bar-Eli M. Construction and expression of intracellular anti-ATF-1 single chain Fv fragment: a modality to inhibit melanoma tumor growth and metastasis. Methods. 2004 Oct; 34(2):233-9. PMID: 15312676.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    82. Dinney CP, McConkey DJ, Millikan RE, Wu X, Bar-Eli M, Adam L, Kamat AM, Siefker-Radtke AO, Tuziak T, Sabichi AL, Grossman HB, Benedict WF, Czerniak B. Focus on bladder cancer. Cancer Cell. 2004 Aug; 6(2):111-6. PMID: 15324694.
      Citations: 134     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    83. Sellappan S, Grijalva R, Zhou X, Yang W, Eli MB, Mills GB, Yu D. Lineage infidelity of MDA-MB-435 cells: expression of melanocyte proteins in a breast cancer cell line. Cancer Res. 2004 May 15; 64(10):3479-85. PMID: 15150101.
      Citations: 86     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    84. Lev DC, Onn A, Melinkova VO, Miller C, Stone V, Ruiz M, McGary EC, Ananthaswamy HN, Price JE, Bar-Eli M. Exposure of melanoma cells to dacarbazine results in enhanced tumor growth and metastasis in vivo. J Clin Oncol. 2004 Jun 01; 22(11):2092-100. PMID: 15123733.
      Citations: 39     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    85. Zhang D, Bar-Eli M, Meloche S, Brodt P. Dual regulation of MMP-2 expression by the type 1 insulin-like growth factor receptor: the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt and Raf/ERK pathways transmit opposing signals. J Biol Chem. 2004 May 07; 279(19):19683-90. PMID: 14993222.
      Citations: 46     Fields:    Translation:AnimalsCells
    86. Kamat AM, Karashima T, Davis DW, Lashinger L, Bar-Eli M, Millikan R, Shen Y, Dinney CP, McConkey DJ. The proteasome inhibitor bortezomib synergizes with gemcitabine to block the growth of human 253JB-V bladder tumors in vivo. Mol Cancer Ther. 2004 Mar; 3(3):279-90. PMID: 15026548.
      Citations: 26     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    87. McGary EC, Onn A, Mills L, Heimberger A, Eton O, Thomas GW, Shtivelband M, Bar-Eli M. Imatinib mesylate inhibits platelet-derived growth factor receptor phosphorylation of melanoma cells but does not affect tumorigenicity in vivo. J Invest Dermatol. 2004 Feb; 122(2):400-5. PMID: 15009722.
      Citations: 16     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    88. Gershenwald JE, Bar-Eli M. Gene expression profiling of human cutaneous melanoma: are we there yet? Cancer Biol Ther. 2004 Jan; 3(1):121-3. PMID: 14764994.
      Citations: 2     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    89. Ruiz M, Pettaway C, Song R, Stoeltzing O, Ellis L, Bar-Eli M. Activator protein 2alpha inhibits tumorigenicity and represses vascular endothelial growth factor transcription in prostate cancer cells. Cancer Res. 2004 Jan 15; 64(2):631-8. PMID: 14744778.
      Citations: 37     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    90. Mills L, Jean D, Tellez C, Bar-Eli M, Frade R, Rousselet N. Inhibition of tumorigenicity and metastasis of human melanoma cells by anti-cathepsin L single chain variable fragment. Cancer Res. 2004 Jan 01; 64(1):146-51. PMID: 14729618.
      Citations: 18     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    91. McGary EC, Heimberger A, Mills L, Weber K, Thomas GW, Shtivelband M, Lev DC, Bar-Eli M. A fully human antimelanoma cellular adhesion molecule/MUC18 antibody inhibits spontaneous pulmonary metastasis of osteosarcoma cells in vivo. Clin Cancer Res. 2003 Dec 15; 9(17):6560-6. PMID: 14695161.
      Citations: 30     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    92. Tellez C, McCarty M, Ruiz M, Bar-Eli M. Loss of activator protein-2alpha results in overexpression of protease-activated receptor-1 and correlates with the malignant phenotype of human melanoma. J Biol Chem. 2003 Nov 21; 278(47):46632-42. PMID: 12975361.
      Citations: 34     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    93. Mian BM, Dinney CP, Bermejo CE, Sweeney P, Tellez C, Yang XD, Gudas JM, McConkey DJ, Bar-Eli M. Fully human anti-interleukin 8 antibody inhibits tumor growth in orthotopic bladder cancer xenografts via down-regulation of matrix metalloproteases and nuclear factor-kappaB. Clin Cancer Res. 2003 Aug 01; 9(8):3167-75. PMID: 12912969.
      Citations: 64     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    94. Nyormoi O, Wang Z, Bar-Eli M. Sequence-based discovery of a synthetic peptide inhibitor of caspase 6. Apoptosis. 2003 Aug; 8(4):371-6. PMID: 12815280.
      Citations: 2     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    95. Lev DC, Ruiz M, Mills L, McGary EC, Price JE, Bar-Eli M. Dacarbazine causes transcriptional up-regulation of interleukin 8 and vascular endothelial growth factor in melanoma cells: a possible escape mechanism from chemotherapy. Mol Cancer Ther. 2003 Aug; 2(8):753-63. PMID: 12939465.
      Citations: 44     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    96. Karashima T, Sweeney P, Kamat A, Huang S, Kim SJ, Bar-Eli M, McConkey DJ, Dinney CP. Nuclear factor-kappaB mediates angiogenesis and metastasis of human bladder cancer through the regulation of interleukin-8. Clin Cancer Res. 2003 Jul; 9(7):2786-97. PMID: 12855659.
      Citations: 46     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    97. Liu W, Reinmuth N, Stoeltzing O, Parikh AA, Tellez C, Williams S, Jung YD, Fan F, Takeda A, Akagi M, Bar-Eli M, Gallick GE, Ellis LM. Cyclooxygenase-2 is up-regulated by interleukin-1 beta in human colorectal cancer cells via multiple signaling pathways. Cancer Res. 2003 Jul 01; 63(13):3632-6. PMID: 12839952.
      Citations: 43     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    98. Tellez C, Bar-Eli M. Role and regulation of the thrombin receptor (PAR-1) in human melanoma. Oncogene. 2003 May 19; 22(20):3130-7. PMID: 12789289.
      Citations: 42     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    99. Nyormoi O, Mills L, Bar-Eli M. An MMP-2/MMP-9 inhibitor, 5a, enhances apoptosis induced by ligands of the TNF receptor superfamily in cancer cells. Cell Death Differ. 2003 May; 10(5):558-69. PMID: 12728254.
      Citations: 19     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    100. Nyormoi O, Bar-Eli M. Transcriptional regulation of metastasis-related genes in human melanoma. Clin Exp Metastasis. 2003; 20(3):251-63. PMID: 12741683.
      Citations: 31     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    101. McGary EC, Weber K, Mills L, Doucet M, Lewis V, Lev DC, Fidler IJ, Bar-Eli M. Inhibition of platelet-derived growth factor-mediated proliferation of osteosarcoma cells by the novel tyrosine kinase inhibitor STI571. Clin Cancer Res. 2002 Nov; 8(11):3584-91. PMID: 12429650.
      Citations: 46     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    102. McGary EC, Lev DC, Bar-Eli M. Cellular adhesion pathways and metastatic potential of human melanoma. Cancer Biol Ther. 2002 Sep-Oct; 1(5):459-65. PMID: 12496470.
      Citations: 49     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    103. Mills L, Tellez C, Huang S, Baker C, McCarty M, Green L, Gudas JM, Feng X, Bar-Eli M. Fully human antibodies to MCAM/MUC18 inhibit tumor growth and metastasis of human melanoma. Cancer Res. 2002 Sep 01; 62(17):5106-14. PMID: 12208768.
      Citations: 54     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    104. Huang S, Mills L, Mian B, Tellez C, McCarty M, Yang XD, Gudas JM, Bar-Eli M. Fully humanized neutralizing antibodies to interleukin-8 (ABX-IL8) inhibit angiogenesis, tumor growth, and metastasis of human melanoma. Am J Pathol. 2002 Jul; 161(1):125-34. PMID: 12107097; PMCID: PMC1850702.
      Citations: 127     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    105. Ghosh SK, Gadiparthi L, Zeng ZZ, Bhanoori M, Tellez C, Bar-Eli M, Rao GN. ATF-1 mediates protease-activated receptor-1 but not receptor tyrosine kinase-induced DNA synthesis in vascular smooth muscle cells. J Biol Chem. 2002 Jun 14; 277(24):21325-31. PMID: 11925444.
      Citations: 5     Fields:    Translation:AnimalsCells
    106. Ruiz M, Troncoso P, Bruns C, Bar-Eli M. Activator protein 2alpha transcription factor expression is associated with luminal differentiation and is lost in prostate cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2001 Dec; 7(12):4086-95. PMID: 11751506.
      Citations: 14     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    107. Nyormoi O, Wang Z, Doan D, Ruiz M, McConkey D, Bar-Eli M. Transcription factor AP-2alpha is preferentially cleaved by caspase 6 and degraded by proteasome during tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced apoptosis in breast cancer cells. Mol Cell Biol. 2001 Aug; 21(15):4856-67. PMID: 11438643; PMCID: PMC87191.
      Citations: 17     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    108. Gershenwald JE, Sumner W, Calderone T, Wang Z, Huang S, Bar-Eli M. Dominant-negative transcription factor AP-2 augments SB-2 melanoma tumor growth in vivo. Oncogene. 2001 Jun 07; 20(26):3363-75. PMID: 11423987.
      Citations: 21     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    109. Bar-Eli M. Gene regulation in melanoma progression by the AP-2 transcription factor. Pigment Cell Res. 2001 Apr; 14(2):78-85. PMID: 11310795.
      Citations: 24     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimals
    110. Jean D, Bar-Eli M. Targeting the ATF-1/CREB transcription factors by single chain Fv fragment in human melanoma: potential modality for cancer therapy. Crit Rev Immunol. 2001; 21(1-3):275-86. PMID: 11642609.
      Citations: 6     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    111. Jean D, Bar-Eli M. Regulation of tumor growth and metastasis of human melanoma by the CREB transcription factor family. Mol Cell Biochem. 2000 Sep; 212(1-2):19-28. PMID: 11108132.
      Citations: 31     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    112. Jean D, Tellez C, Huang S, Davis DW, Bruns CJ, McConkey DJ, Hinrichs SH, Bar-Eli M. Inhibition of tumor growth and metastasis of human melanoma by intracellular anti-ATF-1 single chain Fv fragment. Oncogene. 2000 May 18; 19(22):2721-30. PMID: 10851072.
      Citations: 19     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    113. Inoue K, Slaton JW, Eve BY, Kim SJ, Perrotte P, Balbay MD, Yano S, Bar-Eli M, Radinsky R, Pettaway CA, Dinney CP. Interleukin 8 expression regulates tumorigenicity and metastases in androgen-independent prostate cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2000 May; 6(5):2104-19. PMID: 10815938.
      Citations: 119     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    114. Inoue K, Slaton JW, Kim SJ, Perrotte P, Eve BY, Bar-Eli M, Radinsky R, Dinney CP. Interleukin 8 expression regulates tumorigenicity and metastasis in human bladder cancer. Cancer Res. 2000 Apr 15; 60(8):2290-9. PMID: 10786697.
      Citations: 86     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    115. Huang S, Ullrich SE, Bar-Eli M. Regulation of tumor growth and metastasis by interleukin-10: the melanoma experience. J Interferon Cytokine Res. 1999 Jul; 19(7):697-703. PMID: 10454339.
      Citations: 40     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    116. Bar-Eli M. Role of interleukin-8 in tumor growth and metastasis of human melanoma. Pathobiology. 1999; 67(1):12-8. PMID: 9873223.
      Citations: 77     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimals
    117. Bar-Eli M. Role of AP-2 in tumor growth and metastasis of human melanoma. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 1999; 18(3):377-85. PMID: 10721491.
      Citations: 23     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimals
    118. Luca MR, Bar-Eli M. Molecular changes in human melanoma metastasis. Histol Histopathol. 1998 10; 13(4):1225-31. PMID: 9810513.
      Citations: 4     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimals
    119. Jean D, Harbison M, McConkey DJ, Ronai Z, Bar-Eli M. CREB and its associated proteins act as survival factors for human melanoma cells. J Biol Chem. 1998 Sep 18; 273(38):24884-90. PMID: 9733794.
      Citations: 45     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    120. Huang S, Jean D, Luca M, Tainsky MA, Bar-Eli M. Loss of AP-2 results in downregulation of c-KIT and enhancement of melanoma tumorigenicity and metastasis. EMBO J. 1998 Aug 03; 17(15):4358-69. PMID: 9687504; PMCID: PMC1170769.
      Citations: 63     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    121. Rodrigues-Lima F, Huang S, Xie K, Guillaume N, Bar-Eli M, Frade R. Procathepsin-L, a proteinase that cleaves human C3 (the third component of complement), confers high tumorigenic and metastatic properties to human melanoma cells. Cancer Res. 1998 Jul 01; 58(13):2733-6. PMID: 9661883.
      Citations: 20     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    122. Jean D, Gershenwald JE, Huang S, Luca M, Hudson MJ, Tainsky MA, Bar-Eli M. Loss of AP-2 results in up-regulation of MCAM/MUC18 and an increase in tumor growth and metastasis of human melanoma cells. J Biol Chem. 1998 Jun 26; 273(26):16501-8. PMID: 9632718.
      Citations: 44     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    123. Johnson JP, Bar-Eli M, Jansen B, Markhof E. Melanoma progression-associated glycoprotein MUC18/MCAM mediates homotypic cell adhesion through interaction with a heterophilic ligand. Int J Cancer. 1997 Nov 27; 73(5):769-74. PMID: 9398060.
      Citations: 20     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    124. Bar-Eli M. Molecular mechanisms of melanoma metastasis. J Cell Physiol. 1997 Nov; 173(2):275-8. PMID: 9365536.
      Citations: 17     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    125. Xie S, Price JE, Luca M, Jean D, Ronai Z, Bar-Eli M. Dominant-negative CREB inhibits tumor growth and metastasis of human melanoma cells. Oncogene. 1997 Oct 23; 15(17):2069-75. PMID: 9366524.
      Citations: 42     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    126. Luca M, Huang S, Gershenwald JE, Singh RK, Reich R, Bar-Eli M. Expression of interleukin-8 by human melanoma cells up-regulates MMP-2 activity and increases tumor growth and metastasis. Am J Pathol. 1997 Oct; 151(4):1105-13. PMID: 9327744; PMCID: PMC1858026.
      Citations: 118     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    127. Xie S, Luca M, Huang S, Gutman M, Reich R, Johnson JP, Bar-Eli M. Expression of MCAM/MUC18 by human melanoma cells leads to increased tumor growth and metastasis. Cancer Res. 1997 Jun 01; 57(11):2295-303. PMID: 9187135.
      Citations: 63     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    128. Wei Q, Guan Y, Cheng L, Radinsky R, Bar-Eli M, Tsan R, Li L, Legerski RJ. Expression of five selected human mismatch repair genes simultaneously detected in normal and cancer cell lines by a nonradioactive multiplex reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Pathobiology. 1997; 65(6):293-300. PMID: 9491849.
      Citations: 8     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    129. Huang S, Luca M, Gutman M, McConkey DJ, Langley KE, Lyman SD, Bar-Eli M. Enforced c-KIT expression renders highly metastatic human melanoma cells susceptible to stem cell factor-induced apoptosis and inhibits their tumorigenic and metastatic potential. Oncogene. 1996 Dec 05; 13(11):2339-47. PMID: 8957075.
      Citations: 39     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    130. Huang S, Xie K, Bucana CD, Ullrich SE, Bar-Eli M. Interleukin 10 suppresses tumor growth and metastasis of human melanoma cells: potential inhibition of angiogenesis. Clin Cancer Res. 1996 Dec; 2(12):1969-79. PMID: 9816156.
      Citations: 37     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    131. Bar-Eli M, Huang S, Xie K, Rodrigues-Lima F, Hermann J, Frade R, Jean D. A cysteine proteinase, which cleaves human C3, the third component of complement, is involved in tumorigenicity and metastasis of human melanoma. Cancer Res. 1996 Jan 15; 56(2):254-8. PMID: 8542576.
      Citations: 9     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    132. Luca M, Xie S, Gutman M, Huang S, Bar-Eli M. Abnormalities in the CDKN2 (p16INK4/MTS-1) gene in human melanoma cells: relevance to tumor growth and metastasis. Oncogene. 1995 Oct 05; 11(7):1399-402. PMID: 7478563.
      Citations: 5     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    133. Hudson JM, Frade R, Bar-Eli M. Wild-type p53 regulates its own transcription in a cell-type specific manner. DNA Cell Biol. 1995 Sep; 14(9):759-66. PMID: 7669253.
      Citations: 9     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    134. Singh RK, Gutman M, Reich R, Bar-Eli M. Ultraviolet B irradiation promotes tumorigenic and metastatic properties in primary cutaneous melanoma via induction of interleukin 8. Cancer Res. 1995 Aug 15; 55(16):3669-74. PMID: 7543020.
      Citations: 30     Fields:    Translation:AnimalsCells
    135. Huang S, Xie K, Singh RK, Gutman M, Bar-Eli M. Suppression of tumor growth and metastasis of murine renal adenocarcinoma by syngeneic fibroblasts genetically engineered to secrete the JE/MCP-1 cytokine. J Interferon Cytokine Res. 1995 Jul; 15(7):655-65. PMID: 7553238.
      Citations: 6     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    136. Huang S, Singh RK, Xie K, Gutman M, Berry KK, Bucana CD, Fidler IJ, Bar-Eli M. Expression of the JE/MCP-1 gene suppresses metastatic potential in murine colon carcinoma cells. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 1994 Oct; 39(4):231-8. PMID: 7954525; PMCID: PMC11038689.
      Citations: 25     Fields:    Translation:AnimalsCells
    137. Gutman M, Singh RK, Radinsky R, Bar-Eli M. Intertumoral heterogeneity of receptor-tyrosine kinases expression in human melanoma cell lines with different metastatic capabilities. Anticancer Res. 1994 Sep-Oct; 14(5A):1759-65. PMID: 7847808.
      Citations: 8     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    138. Killion JJ, Fishbeck R, Bar-Eli M, Chernajovsky Y. Delivery of interferon to intracellular pathways by encapsulation of interferon into multilamellar liposomes is independent of the status of interferon receptors. Cytokine. 1994 Jul; 6(4):443-9. PMID: 7948753.
      Citations: 5     Translation:HumansCells
    139. Radinsky R, Fidler IJ, Price JE, Esumi N, Tsan R, Petty CM, Bucana CD, Bar-Eli M. Terminal differentiation and apoptosis in experimental lung metastases of human osteogenic sarcoma cells by wild type p53. Oncogene. 1994 Jul; 9(7):1877-83. PMID: 8208533.
      Citations: 29     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    140. Lee-Jackson D, Abbruzzese JL, Bar-Eli M. Artifactual frame-shift p53 mutation at codon 249 detected with the Cyclist DNA sequencing method. Biotechniques. 1993 Sep; 15(3):363-4. PMID: 8217139.
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    141. Bar-Eli M, Abbruzzese JL, Lee-Jackson D, Frost P. p53 gene mutation spectrum in human unknown primary tumors. Anticancer Res. 1993 Sep-Oct; 13(5A):1619-23. PMID: 8239543.
      Citations: 12     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    142. Luca M, Hunt B, Bucana CD, Johnson JP, Fidler IJ, Bar-Eli M. Direct correlation between MUC18 expression and metastatic potential of human melanoma cells. Melanoma Res. 1993 Feb; 3(1):35-41. PMID: 8471835.
      Citations: 32     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    143. Connor J, Bar-Eli M, Gillum KD, Schroit AJ. Evidence for a structurally homologous Rh-like polypeptide in Rhnull erythrocytes. J Biol Chem. 1992 Dec 25; 267(36):26050-5. PMID: 1464615.
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    144. Ahuja HG, Jat PS, Foti A, Bar-Eli M, Cline MJ. Abnormalities of the retinoblastoma gene in the pathogenesis of acute leukemia. Blood. 1991 Dec 15; 78(12):3259-68. PMID: 1683797.
      Citations: 6     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    145. Foti A, Ahuja HG, Allen SL, Koduru P, Schuster MW, Schulman P, Bar-Eli M, Cline MJ. Correlation between molecular and clinical events in the evolution of chronic myelocytic leukemia to blast crisis. Blood. 1991 Jun 01; 77(11):2441-4. PMID: 2039825.
      Citations: 7     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    146. Ahuja H, Bar-Eli M, Arlin Z, Advani S, Allen SL, Goldman J, Snyder D, Foti A, Cline M. The spectrum of molecular alterations in the evolution of chronic myelocytic leukemia. J Clin Invest. 1991 Jun; 87(6):2042-7. PMID: 2040694; PMCID: PMC296960.
      Citations: 13     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    147. Foti A, Bar-Eli M, Ahuja HG, Cline MJ. A splicing mutation accounts for the lack of p53 gene expression in a CML blast crisis cell line: a novel mechanism of p53 gene inactivation. Br J Haematol. 1990 Sep; 76(1):143-5. PMID: 2223633.
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    148. Ahuja HG, Foti A, Bar-Eli M, Cline MJ. The pattern of mutational involvement of RAS genes in human hematologic malignancies determined by DNA amplification and direct sequencing. Blood. 1990 Apr 15; 75(8):1684-90. PMID: 2183888.
      Citations: 18     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    149. Gonzalez-Cadavid NF, Zhou D, Battifora H, Bar-Eli M, Cline MJ. Direct sequencing analysis of exon 1 of the c-K-ras gene shows a low frequency of mutations in human pancreatic adenocarcinomas. Oncogene. 1989 Sep; 4(9):1137-40. PMID: 2674856.
      Citations: 10     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    150. Ahuja H, Bar-Eli M, Advani SH, Benchimol S, Cline MJ. Alterations in the p53 gene and the clonal evolution of the blast crisis of chronic myelocytic leukemia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1989 Sep; 86(17):6783-7. PMID: 2771957; PMCID: PMC297930.
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    153. Gopas J, Rager-Zisman B, Bar-Eli M, Segal S, H?mmerling GJ. The relationship between MHC antigen expression and metastasis. Adv Cancer Res. 1989; 53:89-115. PMID: 2678949.
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    154. Bar-Eli M, Ahuja H, Gonzalez-Cadavid N, Foti A, Cline MJ. Analysis of N-RAS exon-1 mutations in myelodysplastic syndromes by polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing. Blood. 1989 Jan; 73(1):281-3. PMID: 2642713.
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    156. Rager-Zisman B, Gopas J, Bar-Eli M, Har-Vardi I, Hammerling GJ, Segal S. NK sensitivity, H-2, c-K-ras proto-oncogene expression and metastases: analysis of the metastatic potential of H-2 gene transfected fibrosarcoma cells. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1988; 233:151-60. PMID: 3066149.
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    164. Mercola KE, Bar-Eli M, Stang HD, Slamon DJ, Cline MJ. Insertion of new genetic information into bone marrow cells of mice: comparison of two selectable genes. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1982 Dec 10; 397:272-80. PMID: 6297353.
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    165. Bar-Eli M, Wilson L, Peters RS, Schwabe AD, Territo MC. Microtubules in PMNs from patients with familial Mediterranean fever. Am J Med Sci. 1982 Sep-Oct; 284(2):2-7. PMID: 7124787.
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    166. Bar-Eli M, Mercola KE, Slamon DJ, Mauritzson N, Stang HD, Cline MJ. Insertion of drug resistance genes in animals. J Cell Physiol Suppl. 1982; 1:213-7. PMID: 6279676.
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    167. Bar-Eli M, Territo MC, Peters RS, Schwabe AD. A neutrophil lysozyme leak in patients with familial Mediterranean fever. Am J Hematol. 1981 Dec; 11(4):387-95. PMID: 7332647.
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    168. Koeffler HP, Bar-Eli M, Territo MC. Phorbol ester effect on differentiation of human myeloid leukemia cell lines blocked at different stages of maturation. Cancer Res. 1981 Mar; 41(3):919-26. PMID: 6936077.
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    169. Bar-Eli M, Territo MC, Cline MJ. The progeny of a single progenitor cell can develop characteristics of either a tissue or an alveolar macrophage. Blood. 1981 Jan; 57(1):95-8. PMID: 7448418.
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    170. Bar-Eli M, Ehrenfeld M, Levy M, Gallily R, Eliakim M. Leukocyte chemotaxis in recurrent polyserositis (familial Mediterranean fever). Am J Med Sci. 1981 Jan-Feb; 281(1):15-8. PMID: 7468635.
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    171. Ehrenfeld M, Levy M, Bar Eli M, Gallily R, Eliakim M. Effect of colchicine on polymorphonuclear leucocyte chemotaxis in human volunteers. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 1980 Sep; 10(3):297-300. PMID: 7437248; PMCID: PMC1430072.
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    173. Bar-Eli M, Gallily R, Cohen HA, Wahba A. Monocyte function in psoriasis. J Invest Dermatol. 1979 Aug; 73(2):147-9. PMID: 379240.
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    174. Bar-Eli M, Gallily R. Age-dependent macrophage functions in New Zealand black mice. Cell Immunol. 1979 Jul; 45(2):309-17. PMID: 380820.
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    175. Bar-Eli M, Levy M, Ehrenfeld M, Eliakim M, Gallily R. Phagocyte functions in familial Mediterranean fever. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1979; 121B:341-50. PMID: 397753.
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    176. Wahba A, Cohen H, Bar-Eli M, Callily R. Neutrophil chemotaxis in psoriasis. Acta Derm Venereol. 1979; 59(5):441-5. PMID: 93368.
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    177. Wahba A, Cohen HA, Bar-Eli M, Gallily R. Enhanced chemotactic and phagocytic activities of leukocytes in psoriasis vulgaris. J Invest Dermatol. 1978 Sep; 71(3):186-8. PMID: 211169.
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    178. Bar-Eli M, Gallily R, Levy M, Eliakim M. Monocyte function in familial Mediterranean fever. Am J Med Sci. 1977 Nov-Dec; 274(3):265-70. PMID: 345807.
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    179. Gallily R, Bar-Eli M. Studies on the relationships between the immunogenicity and catabolism of antigens and their binding to the surface of macrophages. Eur J Immunol. 1976 Nov; 6(11):789-94. PMID: 793850.
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    180. Bar-Eli M, Gallily R. The effect of macrophage hydrolytic enzyme levels on the uptake and degradation of antigen and immune complexes. J Reticuloendothel Soc. 1975 Dec; 18(6):317-28. PMID: 1214262.
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    181. Bar-Eli M, Gallily R. Proceedings: Uptake and degradation of Ag and Ag Ab complexes by differently stimulated macrophages. Isr J Med Sci. 1975 Dec; 11(12):1379. PMID: 1218978.
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